father of Luis Andrés Colmenares after the court’s decision to reactivate the case

father of Luis Andrés Colmenares after the court’s decision to reactivate the case
father of Luis Andrés Colmenares after the court’s decision to reactivate the case

There are still many doubts that remain to be resolved in the case of Luis Andrés Colmenares, the young man whose body was left lying lifeless in the pipe of El Virrey Park on October 31, 2010.

For 14 years, The young man’s family has asked for justice in the investigation about the events that occurred at the Halloween celebration that the young man attended with his costume and with the intention of sharing a night with his friends.

However, unrest for the Colmenares family came with the macabre discovery of his body several meters from the point where it is said he would have fallen after running several meters.

The Prosecutor’s Office investigations began shortly after the death was reported, But as the years passed, few findings were presented to clarify the facts.

Now, the Supreme Court of Justice reactivated the case, accepting an appeal against the acquittal of Laura Moreno and Jessy Quintero, who were at the time suspected of the death.

So things are, The claim will be studied by Judge Carlos Roberto Solórzano on August 8 to determine whether there were irregularities in the process that was carried out against the two indicated.

Colmenares Case

Photo:Colmenares Case

The evidence that was not analyzed, according to Luis Alfonso Colmenares

In dialogue with EL TIEMPO, Luis Alfonso Colmenares, father of the victim, celebrated the decision of the Supreme Court and assured that it fills him with satisfaction that the case has been analyzed again.

Colmenares Case

Photo:EL TIEMPO Archive

“I believe that we can finally get the justice we have been looking for. The fact that the cassation has been admitted reassures us. Knowing that the Court is going to look at this case gives us hope that it will be studied objectively.”Colmenares commented.

According to the father, there is a set of evidence collected within the investigation of the case that was not taken into account in the decisions made by the court and the court regarding the acquittal of the two suspects.

Having said that, Colmenares assures that Laura Moreno and Jessy Quintero could not be responsible for the crimebut that they could provide information to clarify what happened on Halloween night.

“I have some legal interceptions in which Laura tells a colleague of theirs not to worry because she knows things, she tells him that she saw things and that she is a witness,” said the victim’s father.

Colmenares reaffirms that The Court’s decision may be a step so that the investigation into the death of his son has new perspectives and a chance for justice to be done.

Luis Andrés Colmenares died on October 30, 2010.

Photo:Private file

‘The scar does not disappear’: Luis Alfonso Colmenares

For the family of Luis Andrés, those 14 years of fighting for justice to be done too They have been a path of forgiveness.

“It has never been said that Laura and Jessy killed Luis because that does not fit in our heads, but they know who killed him“Colmenares assured.

The father says that over time they have relieved the pain and that the wound has healed, but that “the scar does not disappear.”

We have stated that we feel that we forgive, but we do not forget. We have faith that there will be justice. Before I die there will be justice in Luis’ crime,” Colmenares concluded.



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