Laura Flores shares details of the new health battle she faces

After the cerebral microinfarction he suffered last April, Laura Flores He takes any issue related to his health very seriously. In that sense, the actress shared with her followers details of the study she underwent, prior to the operation performed to remove a hiatal hernia. Through social networks, where she usually keeps in touch with her fans, the Mexican published a video where she appears wearing a probe in her nose, an image that, at first, was alarming, but which she explained is part of a test. in which they seek to know the state of their esophagus: “Don’t be scared, it’s me,” he commented at the beginning of the clip.

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The actress shared details of the study that had to be carried out for 24 hours

What is Manometry?

To give her followers some certainty about what was happening, Laura explained what this analysis consists of: “This little wire goes to my esophagus and my stomach, it’s a study called Manometry, I have a constant problem with gastritis and reflux, which has been bothering me as much as possible,” she said. She added that she already has an operation scheduled, but first, the doctors need to know more about her health status: “I have already diagnosed a 3-millimeter hiatal hernia, they have to remove it.”

Laura revealed that, despite having the diagnosis, the doctors wanted to go deeper to end the problem at its roots: “After an endoscopy they told you what you had, they operated on you and that was it, but today it has been proven that this It is not enough, they have to do a study to see how your esophagus works. This tummy is going to be there for 24 hours, it is connected to this toy that measures how my esophagus works, it is very uncomfortable, because you feel the presence of something here”, she detailed about this study that lasted a whole day.

Seeks to end the root problem

He said that in the last few hours, he has been undergoing several studies to learn more about the functioning of his esophagus and stomach, to detect where the discomfort originates: “I have to write down what I ate, when I had heartburn, apart from that. They did another one this morning and they are looking at the state of health of my esophagus so that, if they are going to go in to remove a hernia, they check and fix what they have to fix to the esophagus and not just fix one thing, but fix the whole thing. problem, instead of taking so many pills for heartburn, is to fix the root problem.”

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Laura Flores revealed that she has been taking pills to regulate stomach acidity for years

the end of an era

Laura and the doctors are looking to free the actress from the pills that have controlled her acidity for the past few years with this operation and this series of studies: “The problem with pills is that they solve the problem, but they can cause another one, because in the long run they are very bad for your health, for your liver, and I have been like this for many years. I am celiac, gluten has nothing to do with reflux,” she explained, and then confessed that she wanted to share this information to avoid generating rumors about her health: “I can already imagine everyone saying: What is wrong with Laura Flores? There goes the whole press,” she commented at the end of the video.

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