Radio Havana Cuba | Protection of hydrographic basins promoted in Holguín

Radio Havana Cuba | Protection of hydrographic basins promoted in Holguín
Radio Havana Cuba | Protection of hydrographic basins promoted in Holguín

Toa River Basin

Holguín, June 19 (RHC) The Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in the province of Holguín promotes a broad watershed protection program, a strategy that contributes to protecting these ecosystems.

In the eastern territory, priority is given to eliminating gullies, caused by runoff from land where there are no trees, hence the importance of reforestation work.

Geovanny Zaldívar, subdelegate of the sector, explained that these areas devoid of vegetation also favor soil erosion and desertification, which is why progress is being made in planting trees and developing environmental education activities with adolescents and young people. .

The Sagua, Cauto and Toa basins have forest cover rates greater than 90% and work is being done to recover this value in Mayarí, after the damage caused by the forest fire that occurred in 2023, the expert highlighted.

Zaldívar stated that in these ecosystems, classified among those of national interest, projects aimed at the recovery of soils are also introduced through the application of ecological practices aimed at improving their morphological conditions.

To these actions, he indicated, are added investments for the management of liquid waste in entities surrounding the basins and the protection of groundwater through studies developed by hydraulic resources.

A hydrographic basin is known as the geographical and socioeconomic area delimited by an aquatic system, where surface or underground water is discharged forming one or several channels, which lead to a main river.

In Cuba, there are several of national significance, included in the natural resource management programs, among them Cuyaguateje, Ariguanabo and Almendares, Hanabanilla, Zaza, Mayarí, Cauto, Guantánamo-Guaso and Toa, distributed throughout the national territory . (Source: ACN)

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