In support of Cuba, also the political parties of the BRICS › World › Granma

In support of Cuba, also the political parties of the BRICS › World › Granma
In support of Cuba, also the political parties of the BRICS › World › Granma

A final statement from the recent Forum of Political Parties of the BRICS and associates condemned the application of the US blockade on Cuba, rejecting the use of illegal unilateral coercive measures that ignore the UN Charter.

According to a press release, the event, called For the Freedom of Nations, was held from June 17 to 19, in Vladivostok, Russia, in which they also joined the demand for the elimination of Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. .

At the initiative of the United Russia party, this meeting was held, with the participation of 22 political parties from governments of the member and associate countries of the Brics mechanism, including the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC).

The demand for the exclusion of Cuba from the arbitrary list was also evident in the session of the Permanent Committee, held in this Russian city, in the context of the interparty space.

During these days, the Communist Party of Cuba, represented by the head of the Department of International Relations, Emilio Lozada García, conveyed the importance that Cuba attaches to the Brics, as an alternative for the construction of a more just and inclusive world order.

At the same time, Lozada García condemned the application of unilateral coercive measures as tools of political and economic pressure by the United States, including the unjust blockade of Cuba and its inclusion in the aforementioned terrorist list.

The presence of the Island has been important, since it aspires to be a State associated with the BRICS, a group made up today of ten countries that include its founding members: Brazil, Russia, India and China, along with South Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ethiopia.

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