Doña Segunda picket site, closed by DIAN, Fenalco speaks and shows solidarity

Doña Segunda picket site, closed by DIAN, Fenalco speaks and shows solidarity
Doña Segunda picket site, closed by DIAN, Fenalco speaks and shows solidarity

ANDThe Doña Segunda Piqueteadero, located in the Plaza de Mercado del 12 de Octubre in Bogotá, will be closed for the next 72 hours. This was determined by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (Dian) when exercising controls on the issuance of the electronic invoice.

The establishment, recognized for the sale of chicarrón, rellena, sausage, bofe and more foods, joined 18 others that were closed this June 21 by the tax authority.

La Dian stated that this business “has not complied with the duty to invoice” electronically.

Closure of the Doña Segunda picket site.


Jaime Alberto Cabal, president of the National Federation of Business Merchants (Fenalco), reacted to the measure and described it as “injustice” against the business that has a tradition of more than 60 years in the capital.

“My solidarity with Second Lady, who only deserves respect and dignified treatment. The absence of the electronic invoice cannot be seen or treated as evasion,” she stated in a social media message.

The Doña Segunda picketyard.

Photo:Nestor Gomez. TIME

According to him, for these cases there must be “proportionality.” “An elderly person who generates employment and pays taxes deserves dignified treatment, like thousands of Colombians who fight every day to raise their family,” he highlighted.

The president of Fenalco assured that a reform is required with the aim of preventing “those who have not yet adopted or are in the process of implementing electronic invoices from being persecuted and punished as if they had committed a crime.”

In addition, the merchants’ representative urged the administrative authorities to “act with consideration.”

“May this injustice help Doña Segunda’s business to have more recognition and more clients,” he concluded.

Message from Jaime Alberto Cabal, president of Fenalco.

Photo:X: @JaimeA_Cabal

‘We have all the documents’: picket counter Doña Segunda

Segunda Fonseca, the owner of the picket yard, rejected the closure and insisted that more than 15 employees will not receive payments for three days.

Their accountant, Ana Eddy Jiménez, also denied that they had any problems due to the electronic invoice. “We have all the documents. (…) We even paid the fine that Dian requested of us and they did not take it into account,” she said in a conversation with Citytv.

Dian maintains that it found inconsistencies and, after completing the administrative process, the resulting measure was the temporary closure of the commercial activity.

“The tax administration continues the work of raising awareness in the commerce sector about the duty to invoice electronically and to comply with all legal provisions to avoid economic sanctions or that lead to the closure of the establishment,” he said.

Closure of Doña Segunda Piqueteadero.

Photo:Nestor Gomez. THE TIME / Dian

The paper bill will end in the coming months in Colombia, so establishments have to implement the electronic system. According to Dian’s schedule, at the end of 2024, from the statement, the receipt of public services to the cinema ticket will be digital.

To receive the electronic invoice, as soon as the purchase is made, the seller must ask the user for the following information

  • Name or Social reason.
  • Identification number or NIT.
  • Email.


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