Concern about the increase in companies with financial problems in Cesar

Concern about the increase in companies with financial problems in Cesar
Concern about the increase in companies with financial problems in Cesar

The Cesar Family Compensation Fund, Comfacesar, organized a forum with the aim of taking stock of the past, present and future of the department’s economy. The person in charge of opening the space was director of the Fund, Frank Martínez.

The director began by telling which are the largest employers in the department. “At the top of our largest contributors, Drummond represents 12.9% of total monthly contributions; followed by the Government of Cesar with 9.9%. But the number of Government workers, including teachers, is much greater, showing that Drummond workers have the highest salaries,” explained the director.

As of March of this year, the data indicates that the total number of workers affiliated with Comfacesar It was from 126,854 people. However, the most worrying fact of the talk focused on the exponential growth of companies expelled from Comfacesar due to the inability to make contributions from their employees.

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In the last three years, by law, Comfacesar was forced to expel an average of 28 companies each month. So far in 2024, the monthly average rose to 57 companies. That is, an increase of 103%.

“They are companies that no longer have the financial capacity to make contributions for their workers or, in the worst case scenario, are disappearing into informality,” he said. Martinez.

The union leader pointed out that these figures not only represent a threat to the income of the Boxbut they are also proof of the “difficult conditions of the current market, which makes the consolidation of new formal business ventures increasingly complicated.

The most affected sector is commerce, with 15 companies expelled in May; followed by construction (11 companies) and professional activities (8 companies). “Our task continues to be to support the unemployed population to reintegrate into the world of work. But our capacity is insufficient for the need that exists in the world. department of Cesarspecially in Valledupar.

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The director refers to the fact that during the first quarter of the 2024 sent to the companies 75,000 resumes for personnel selection, of which 11,258 were registered, but only 1,357 people were hired. 1.8% of the identified unemployed were able to be hired by a formal company.

By Deivis Caro

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