They closed a restaurant that sold shark meat on its menu – Publimetro Colombia

They closed a restaurant that sold shark meat on its menu – Publimetro Colombia
They closed a restaurant that sold shark meat on its menu – Publimetro Colombia

The community has reacted with concern to a serious complaint that puts the balance of marine life at risk in Colombia. During traffic control and monitoring operations wildlifethe Ministry of the Environment, with the support of the National Police, seized 5.5 kilograms of bull shark meat (Mustelus sp.) it is estimated that more than 25 specimens died, which were sold in a Bogotá restaurant, within the menu and proceeded to close the establishment.

This operation was possible thanks to the complaint from a citizen that alerted the environmental authority about the illegal sale of shark meat. According to Resolution 0380 of 2021, which regulates the Fishing resources in Colombia, the sharks and marine stripes They are considered hydrobiological resources and their extraction for commercial purposes is prohibited, according to the newspaper El Tiempo.

They closed a restaurant in Bogotá that sold shark meat on its menu

The Ministry of the Environment has started the environmental sanctioning process corresponding, in accordance with Law 1333 of 2009. In addition, article 328 of the Penal Code establishes sentences of sixty (60) to one hundred thirty-five (135) months in prison and fines one hundred thirty-four (134) to forty-three thousand seven hundred fifty (43,750) monthly legal minimum wages in force for those who participate in these illegal activities.

The environmental authority, together with the National Police, will continue to carry out control operations to combat the illegal wildlife traffickingincluding hunting, mobilization, marketing and possession, in different parts of the city, as well as in land and air terminals.

Citizens are called to report any case of trafficking, possession or risk of wildlife through the email [email protected] or to telephone lines 318 8277733, 317 4276828, 318 7125560 or (601) 3778854.

16 species of sharks are threatened in Colombia

According to the WWF, at least 16 species of sharks in Colombia are in some degree of threat, according to the Red Book of Marine Fishes published in 2017. It is crucial to transform the perception of these animals, since the benefits that sharks bring to humans marine ecosystems and humanity far exceed the threats they represent.

You can also read: On video: Spectacular sighting of a whale shark in Santa Marta

He fine bull shark, whose meat is highly valued in the Colombian gastronomy, is found in vulnerability status. Habitat degradation and pressure from artisanal fisheries have significantly reduced their population, underscoring the urgent need to conservation measures.

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