Proyecto Hombre Córdoba doubles the attention to people with addictions in the last year

Proyecto Hombre Córdoba has redoubled its efforts and last year served 1,355 people in its addiction treatment programs compared to the 700 that passed through this institution in 2022. The main addictions for which Cordobans request treatment continue being cocaine and alcohol. The entry of new drugs that cause havoc in the US such as fentanyl, of which there have been large seizures in cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, ​​”is anecdotal, just one case in a year,” explained the director of Man ProjectJesús Tamayo when announcing this Wednesday the data of the latest report.

The report presented at the Palacio de Congresos shows that 3,876 people in Córdoba and the province received some type of help or treatment at this institution. A year in which work with women has been strengthened, prison programsattention to homelessness and rural presence.

A panorama that improves in terms of the number of people treated – not because the number of people requiring treatment has increased but because the Man with its resources and public aid reaches more people who need it – Tamayo clarified in a press conference to remember that so far this year the number of people has already doubled in the first half of the 2023 data.

Coinciding with the International Day to Fight Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Proyecto Hombre Córdoba presented this report together with the delegate of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality of the Junta of Andalusia in Córdoba, Dolores Sánchez; the manager of the Provincial Institute of Social Welfare of Córdoba, Berta Aparicio; the delegate of Social and Senior Services of the Córdoba City Council, Eva Contador and the director-president of Proyecto Hombre Córdoba and province, Jesús Tamayo.

The latter recalled that in the last year this entity has managed to consolidate lines of work from previous years, adapting to new collective realities and maintaining attention to individual needs. In this sense, 64.16 percent of the people served in 2023 corresponded to the province of Córdoba. That is, of a total of 3,876 services to men and women in the province: 1,355 were in treatment and 2,521 in prevention programs.

Tamayo has placed special emphasis on the needs of women who suffer from addiction and who face handicaps that men do not face. In this sense, Proyecto Hombre has facilitated the way for women to access a treatment center, which is not easy because there is a greater psychological pressure, a greater family burden falls on them, greater responsibility at home. and it is indicated psychologically and it is something, according to the director of this entity, on which they work every day.

Alcohol, anxiolytics and antidepressants

«In women, addictions may be related to cocaine but above all it is more to alcohol level that they share with anxiolytics and antidepressants “Although they were initially prescribed by a doctor, they later became addictive,” this director of the center warned.

In women, Tamayo has elaborated, “there are psychocultural barriers and the general ignorance of the specific needs that women require in therapeutic treatments, which have expressed the need for progress and work in this field.

During 2023, specific lines of work on violence and different types of aggression were intensified, both in residential and outpatient resources. It was also achieved mixed coexistence in the intrapenitentiary community thanks to the joint work with the Córdoba Penitentiary Institutions team.

Notable are the achievements in transversal resources of self-esteem, empowerment and self-affirmation, as well as the evolution that has been made in the Women’s Therapeutic Communitywith a growth of between 4 and 6 percent more compared to previous years.

Next Generation funds to protect them from the cold

As for people who live on the streets, this social entity has raised the need to respond to people who lack economic and family resources with the opening in 2021 of the day center for homeless people. Now in 2023, Tamayo recalled, “thanks to the promotion of the Next Generation funds, the agreement with the City Council of Córdoba to care for people in situations of social exclusion and lack of protection (40,000 euros), a response has been given to these people also during the nights in weather alerts due to cold with a total of 211 users.”

It is a comprehensive intervention system from the provincial network that seeks to eradicate homelessness and develop lines of action for this group in mental health – where 11 people were treated, 35 in the area of ​​immigration and 18 in addictions.

Regarding rural presence, Proyecto Hombre Córdoba has explained that it has continued its presence in Bujalance, Cañete de las Torres, La Rambla, Cabra, Nueva Carteya and Hinojosa del Duque y Montoro with the support of different public and private social agents from the province.

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