The bishop of Córdoba opens the Holy Door of the Jubilee Year dedicated to the child martyr, Saint Pelagius

The bishop of Córdoba opens the Holy Door of the Jubilee Year dedicated to the child martyr, Saint Pelagius
The bishop of Córdoba opens the Holy Door of the Jubilee Year dedicated to the child martyr, Saint Pelagius


The bishop of Córdoba, Demetrio Fernández, has proceeded to open the Holy Door of the Jubilee Year that the Apostolic Penitentiary has granted to the Diocese of Córdoba on the 1,100th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Pelagius, in which plenary indulgence can be achieved from this Wednesday, June 26 and June 26, 2025.

Thus, as reported by the Diocese of Córdoba in a note, before a chapel full of priests, seminarians and faithful, the prelate performed the rite of opening the aforementioned Holy Door in the chapel of the ‘San Pelagio’ Major Seminary, and The mass has begun by the Hispano-Mozarabic rite.

In his homily, Demetrio Fernández stressed the importance of the place where they were celebrating mass, since it was in “this precise place where Saint Pelagius gave the supreme testimony of love for Jesus Christ and suffered martyrdom, being dismembered alive.”

“This place is especially sacred and anointed with the testimony of Saint Pelagius,” according to the bishop, assuring that today’s party “is an appeal for all priests and faithful and the opening of the Holy Door is the heart of Christ.” wide open.”

Saint Pelagius came from a very Christian family and the fact of growing up in that environment allowed him to set a precious example of Christian life. Reviewing his life, the pastor of the Diocese has highlighted this child’s virtue of maintaining faith, prayer and Christian attitudes, such as chastity, above all.

“Faith in Saint Pelagius grew and was strengthened despite the adversities, despite the Caliph’s proposals to give him a better life in exchange for giving himself to him. Saint Pelagius was always clear that it belonged to Jesus Christ,” according to the bishop.

“His heroism and defense of the virtue of chastity make him today an eloquent testimony of faith, which continues to show how chastity is ordered sexuality that magnifies, because lust degrades the person,” while “chastity is a virtue that springs from the Lord”, as he explained.

Saint Pelagius, according to the bishop, “lived the virtues of courage and chastity, Christian values ​​that are still valid, and the testimony of this child stimulated the Christian life of all communities,” because “his horrendous martyrdom to remain faithful “Jesus Christ stimulated Christian life in the face of the pain inflicted and influenced the Reconquest.”


For the Jubilee Year for Saint Pelagius, talks and conferences are planned to be held around the figure of the child martyr, while, through the social networks of the Seminary and the Diocese, the virtues of this child will be disseminated by chapters. martyr of the 10th century. In addition, a documentary about his life with pedagogical value is being prepared, to be distributed among schoolchildren, priests, seminarians and faithful.

To win the jubilee, the usual conditions will be followed: visit a jubilee temple, in this case the Major and Minor Seminaries of Córdoba, the Parish of San Pelagio Mártir and the Cathedral; increase prayer and recite the Creed, in addition to confessing and taking communion if possible in those days before or on the day or days after the visit to the jubilee temple.

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