The Córdoba Orchestra presents the season with its new artistic director

The Córdoba Orchestra presents the season with its new artistic director
The Córdoba Orchestra presents the season with its new artistic director

The Córdoba Orchestra has officially presented this Wednesday the content of its subscription programming for the 24-25 season, which has ‘Essence’ as its motto and more than 90 planned activities, including 12 subscription programs at the Gran Teatro (six of them with two days of concert), four extraordinary concerts and three family shows, between September 2024 and June of 2025.

As the musical group has indicated in a note, the president of the consortium, Juan Miguel Moreno; the general director of Documentary and Bibliographic Heritage, Innovation and Cultural Promotion of the Board, Mario Martin; the Culture delegate in the Provincial Council, Gabriel Duque; the new main and artistic director of the formation, Salvador Vazquezand the manager, Roberto Palmer.

Thus, in addition to the concerts that maestro Vázquez will conduct, the Orchestra will have eight guest conductors and 17 soloists. Throughout the season they will be interpreted more than 60 workseleven of them for the first time for the orchestra, highlighting the absolute premiere of the young composer from Córdoba María Jesús Amaro and the tribute to the recently deceased Lorenzo Palomowith the interpretation of the concerto for marimba and orchestra ‘The Garden of Bacchus’, with Conrado Moya being the soloist.

On the podium will be Francisco Valero-Terribas, Alexandre Da Costa (in his dual role as violinist and conductor), Pablo González, Manuel Hernández Silva, Teresa Riveiro Böhm and Catherine Larsen-Maguire. As for the soloists, Adolfo Gutiérrez (cello), the very young Alexandra Dovgan and the Córdoba singer stand out Emin Kiourtkchian (piano), Javier Comesaña (violin) and the voices of Rocío Bazán, Natalia Labourdette, Leonor Bonilla, Lucía Tavira, Javier Povedano, Enrique Parra and Alfonso Mújica, in addition to the collaboration of the Opera Choir and the Ziryab Choir, from the city itself.

This season the Córdoba Orchestra will give prominence to its musicians with the intervention of Isel Rodriguez (violin) and Nazaret Kiourtkchian (double bass), as soloists in the first program of the subscription season.

The extraordinary concerts

There will be four extraordinary concerts, the first as the opening of the season and, later, Christmas, New Year’s and Easter. For family audiences, three titles will be offered at the Góngora Theater: ‘Vital’, which will feature the participation of the clown Lolo Fernández and will be directed by Salvador Vázquez himself; ‘Stand up, Music’, with narration by Ana Hernandez and the musical direction of Edmon Levon and, ‘Leonora and the sixty coffee beans’, a proposal by Belén Otxotorena with the baton of the Venezuelan Jhoanna Sierralta.

In his speech, the president of the consortium, Juan Miguel Moreno, said that “a new season is faced with enormous enthusiasm, with a time of stability thanks to the recent additions of management and artistic direction. With a new programming that will be very much to the taste of subscribers and the general public, while being in line with the artistic profile of the training.»

For his part, the general director of Heritage and Cultural Promotion of the Government of Andalusia, Mario Martín, highlighted that “this presentation constitutes A rebirth of the Córdoba Orchestra»and thanked all the institutions and political groups that are part of the consortium for their support, especially the new artistic direction and management “for their efforts in achieving balanced, quality programming, with a lot of female participation and with that change that has meaning that return to the essence.

Meanwhile, the Culture delegate of the Provincial Council, Gabriel Duque, has commented that from the provincial institution “we want to bet much more on the Córdoba Orchestra, because we believe that it is one of the pillars of reference of culture in our province and we want it to be one of the best orchestras in Andalusia and Spain and for that reason, we have increased the budget item and our intention and interest is to be part of the consortium.

Likewise, the main and artistic director, Salvador Vázquez, has stated that “with enormous enthusiasm I face my first season leading the Córdoba Orchestra, a season that we have titled ‘Essence’. This title is not coincidental; ‘Essence’ represents the core, the purest and most fundamental substance of the music that we want to share with our audience,” he said.

«We embark on a musical journey that will revisit the great works of the Central European catalogue, offering a selection of pieces that have been pillars in the history of classical music. These works are perfect examples of what we consider the essence of orchestral repertoire: compositions that have transcended time and borders, and that continue to resonate with a unique emotional and artistic truth,” said Vázquez.

The young audience

Finally, the manager, Roberto Pálmer, thanked “the trust placed in his project and highlighted the connection with Salvador Vázquez in the preparation of the new season.” Furthermore, he has emphasized “the need to the creation of new audiences, for which a single price of eight euros per location and a subscription for the three concerts at 19 euros is established in the family concert cycle.

In addition, he detailed that “the 50 percent discount for young people is extended up to 35 years of age and the Youth Cultural Bonus can be used. Without forgetting the discounts of ten percent on season tickets and 15 percent on individual seats for those over 65 years old, unemployed, groups and subscribers. There is also a “significant drop” in the prices of the Mezzo Pass (compared to the 23-24 season).

This is, he said, “a responsible programming that establishes a solid foundation and sustainable to continue building the project that is the great Orchestra of Córdoba.»

Subscriptions and entry

Subscription renewal can be done online and in person at the Góngora Theater box office from September 3 to 16, Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; On the 17th and 18th changes can be made only in person. The new passes can be purchased from September 19 to October 9 on the website and at the Góngora Theater.

Individual tickets can be purchased from October 1 to 9, online and at the box office. Góngora Theater. Starting on the 10th at the Gran Teatro box office.

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