The ONCE awards the Córdoba Includes project of the City Council

The ONCE awards the Córdoba Includes project of the City Council
The ONCE awards the Córdoba Includes project of the City Council

The humorous duo Los Morancos, Cares Palliatives of San Juan de Dios, Informativos Telecinco, Biosabor and the City Council of Córdoba, have been recognized with the ONCE Andalusia Social Group Solidarity Awards 2024the highest distinction granted by ONCE at the regional level, and which will be awarded in Córdoba, at the Góngora Theater, on September 26.

“These awards constitute the best example of the best possible Andalusia, the Andalusia of solidarity,” commented the president of the ONCE Territorial Council in Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla, Isabel Viruet, after the jury’s ruling. “We Andalusians are supportive, it is part of our way of being and doing in the world,” says Viruet. And we want to thank that solidarity in capital letters, which makes us all proud, recognizing the courage and value of those who make commitment an activism, a way of life that brings to light the best values ​​that define us as a society.

The ONCE Andalucía Social Group 2024 Solidarity Awards recognize people, institutions, public administrations, companies and media that have stood out in the last year for their solidarity work in favor of the most vulnerable groups in society.

The jury of this eleventh edition, meeting in Seville, was chaired by Isabel Viruet, president of the Territorial Council of ONCE in Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla and, made up of the ONCE delegate, Cristobal Martinez, the general advisor of ONCE, Eugenio Prietothe Secretary General of Social Inclusion of the Andalusian Government, Ana Vanessa Garciathe Equality delegate of the RTVA, Belen Torres Velaand Juan Luis Muñoz Escassi, representing the Third Sector Roundtable in Andalusia.

The Morancos

In the Individual modality, ONCE has distinguished the brothers Jorge and César Cadaval, the humorous duo Los Morancos, due to the social background of their artistic career, attached to reality and full of commitment. The charitable actions promoted to support causes such as the fight against cancer, social awareness campaigns or the promotion of solidarity projects in defense of the most vulnerable groups in society stand out.

Among others, the jury has valued the involvement of Los Morancos in the ‘Debt Free’ project, to inform about laws such as the second chance, that allows them to get ahead in the professional and social fields. The two comedians lead a team of prestigious lawyers with extensive experience in the sector to provide help and legal advice to people with greatest needs.

Palliative Care of San Juan de Dios

In the category of Institution, Organization, Social Entity and NGO, this year the ONCE Social Group distinguishes Palliative Care from hospitals belonging to the order of Saint John of God, pioneers in the introduction of this type of healthcare in Spain and especially in the four Andalusian centres.

The jury highlights his commendable work, in extreme situations, which is tremendously generous and comforting for both patients and families. Also underline teaching commitment of its professionals to provide the most current tools and knowledge and improve the quality of care, comfort and well-being of the people who require this care.

Telecinto News

In the Media category, the ONCE Social Group has awarded News telecinco for the content made from Andalusia to make visible the social reality of the autonomous community from professional rigor and objectivity in the information treatment, a coverage that, in the opinion of the jury, results in the defense of equal opportunities in society and makes it visible Andalusia as a community of reference in the field of solidarity.

Biosabor Ship

In the company category, the Solidarios 2024 Award goes to the organic and sustainable agriculture company Bioflavor, located in the Níjar area, for its respect for the environment and its strong commitment to safe and healthy eating, for food without waste. At the same time, it donates part of the fruit and vegetable products that are not used for sale or transformation to food banks.

The jury highlighted its coherence with the Millennium Development Goals and its commitment to people. Also, the support it provides to minority sport, its women’s empowerment projects and its commitment to the labor insertion of vulnerable people, in addition to the ‘saborSenegal’ project to fight poverty in developing countries.

Córdoba City Council

In the Public Administration category, the 2024 Solidarios Award has gone to the City Council of Córdoba for the launch of the ‘Córdoba Includes’ programme for inclusion in all municipal services and activities based on universal accessibility in the broadest sense.

The program is developed around three axes of action, public transport, inclusive and cultural leisure, with pioneering projects in different areas, public spaces, communication, tourism, entrepreneurship, leisure and culture, hospitality, restaurants, commerce and transport, with the goal of creating a network of accessible spaces that turn Córdoba into a livable, comfortable and easy environment for all people, where the rights and well-being of citizens and their visitors with or without disabilities predominate.

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