Alternative routes due to closure of El Korán – Guaduas road, Cundinamarca: learn about alternatives

A landslide of considerable magnitude, caused by the fall of huge rocks, has caused the total closure of the Ruta del Sol at kilometer 12+190, between The Koran and Guaduas, in Cundinamarca. The incident occurred on the morning of Sunday, June 23 and, until now, mobility on the road continues to be obstructed.

Although Juan Carlos Montenegro, director of Invías, assured that by June 27 the road could recover its mobility. Once again the entity reported that work in the area could take a little longer and not be ready until June 30. Given this situation, they invited travelers to take alternative routes while full traffic is recovered.

“Regarding the fall to large-volume rock material that today has hindered traffic “On this road, we want to inform you that Invías evacuated this Monday about 1,000 meters (…) We hope to finish on Thursday once we evacuate the 3,000 m2 between the two affected roads.”the director said at the time.

Alternate routes due to closure of the El Korán – Guaduas road

  • Invías invited travelers who From the municipality of Guaduas, Cundinamarca, take the road towards Honda, Tolima, in order to pass through La Dorada either to continue the route towards Medellín or the Ruta del Sol. AYes, it will avoid any delay during the trip, they also warned that there could be greater mobility due to this situation.
  • Another alternative for those heading to the Caribbean, is to leave through the north of Bogotá and take the Tunja – Bucaramanga route and later the Ruta del Sol.

Which cities are connected by this route?

This route in the department of Cundinamarca connects several important cities in the country. Medellín, Valledupar, Santa Marta, Cartagena, Barranquilla and many more north of the territory as it is connected to the famous Ruta del Sol.


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