WhatsApp blue, pink, red and more options: is it safe to change the Meta app?

WhatsApp blue, pink, red and more options: is it safe to change the Meta app?
WhatsApp blue, pink, red and more options: is it safe to change the Meta app?

WhatsApp Plus offers additional features not present in the original version, such as design customization, but this can be a risk for users. (Infobae Illustration)

WhatsApp has maintained its iconic green color since its inception, thus differentiating itself from other Meta platforms such as Facebook and Messenger, which use distinctive shades such as blue. However, many users want to further personalize their experience by changing the tone, looking for methods to achieve this through third-party applications. Something that can put your privacy and security at risk.

For several years now, numerous tutorials and applications have emerged on the Internet that promise to change the color of the messaging application, allowing users to modify the interface to shades such as blue, red, yellow or even customize it with more elaborate themes. However, The reality behind these promises is clear: none of these apps work effectively or securely.

Tutorials and applications that claim to change the color of WhatsApp usually direct users to download third-party applications such as WhatsApp Plus, OGWhatsApp, or mods of dubious origin. These applications, in the past, promised additional functionality not available in the official version, such as the ability to change the interface color.

Changing the WhatsApp icon can be a risk for user information. (Infobae)

However, since 2015, Meta began blocking the use of these unofficial applications, suspending accounts and warning users about the associated risks. The main danger is that these applications are not verified or supported by the company, which means that they do not comply with the security and privacy regulations guaranteed by the official application.

On the other hand, third-party apps that promise to personalize WhatsApp, such as Nova Launcher, Action Launcher, Lawnchair Launcher, and X Icon Changer, come with their own terms of service and privacy policies.

Although some claim to encrypt the collected data and allow its deletion upon user request, Others may share information about device performance and other applications with third parties, putting user privacy at risk.

Nova Launcher, for example, mentions in its terms that it collects data about the location and performance of applications on the device, while X Icon Changer admits that data is not transferred securely and does not provide options to delete it later. And all these applications are usually suggested to change the icon of the messaging app or modify its color.

Changing the WhatsApp icon can be a risk for user information. (Illustrative image Infobae)

In addition to launchers and icon changing applications, modified versions of WhatsApp such as GBWhatsApp and WhatsApp Plus have gained popularity. These unofficial versions offer additional features such as exclusive emojis and the ability to further customize the interface.

However, they lack the end-to-end encryption that WhatsApp officially provides, meaning conversations could be exposed to security vulnerabilities and privacy risks, such as others being able to read them.

These apps are not available on the Google Play Store due to Meta restrictions and are distributed through third-party app stores. which increases the risk of downloading malicious or unsafe software.

Meta has worked on developing customization features within the official app, such as the ability to switch between light and dark themes, and has recently started implementing interface color changing options in its beta versions. These measures seek to offer users safe customization options within a controlled environment.

The app is working on color customization, although it has not made an official announcement yet. (WABetaInfo)

If you are a WhatsApp user and want to personalize your experience, it is important to follow the security and privacy recommendations:

  • Opt for applications available in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store that have good user ratings and comments.
  • Before downloading any personalization apps, make sure you understand what data they collect and how they use it.
  • Do not download or use applications such as GBWhatsApp or WhatsApp Plus, as they may compromise the security of your conversations.
  • WhatsApp is working on customization options within its official application. Stay informed about updates and changes that Meta implements to offer more secure customization options.
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