Are we on the brink of the apocalypse? The rotation of the Earth’s core stops

Are we on the brink of the apocalypse? The rotation of the Earth’s core stops
Are we on the brink of the apocalypse? The rotation of the Earth’s core stops

In an alarming turn of events, renowned scientists have revealed news that could shake the foundations of our understanding of the planet. Land

. The inner core of our home, that sphere of iron and nickel that lies in the deepest depths of the globe, seems to have slowed its rotation.

This freak unprecedented has sparked fears and speculation about the possible catastrophic consequences for life on the surface. Are we really on the brink of a apocalypse

imminent, or is there more to this story than meets the eye?

What is really happening with the Earth’s core?

Recent research, led by teams from the Peking University and the University of Southern California (USC), have shed light on a fascinating and potentially disturbing phenomenon. He inner core of the eartha solid iron-nickel sphere about the size of the Moon, seems to have slowed down its rotation in relation to the surface of the planet. This change, detected through analysis of seismic waves, suggests that the core could be “retreating” or even reversing its direction of rotation.

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What implications does this discovery have for life on Earth?

Although the idea of ​​an Earth’s core slowing its rotation may sound alarming, experts suggest that the immediate consequences for the planet’s surface could be minimal. Dr. John Vidale of USC indicated that the most notable impact could be an alteration in the length of the day in fractions of a seconda change so subtle that it would be practically imperceptible to most of us.

Should we worry about an imminent apocalypse?

Despite the tone sensationalist surrounding this discovery, it is important to maintain perspective. Scientists emphasize that these Changes in core rotation are part of a complex natural cycle that involves the interaction between the inner core, the liquid outer core and the Earth’s mantle.. Far from being a harbinger of the end of the world, this phenomenon represents an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the Earth’s internal processes.

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