Mandatory clothing and new driving tests: this is the 2024 exam to obtain a motorcycle driving license

Mandatory clothing and new driving tests: this is the 2024 exam to obtain a motorcycle driving license
Mandatory clothing and new driving tests: this is the 2024 exam to obtain a motorcycle driving license

What will the new procedure be like to obtain a license to drive motorcycles?

The city of Buenos Aires implemented a rigorous exam to obtain a motorcycle driving license. The Buenos Aires government indicated that the modification is focused on instilling driver awareness and responsibility, as well as developing the anticipation and response skills necessary to navigate the streets safely.

After approving the psychophysical evaluation and theoretical examthe new practical test Driving is carried out at the Roca headquarters with a procedure that allows evaluating the capabilities, skills and maneuverability of the vehicle. In addition, the perspective of adequate coexistence between motorcycles and people in terms of road safety is incorporated. “We understand the need to continue ensuring that the neighbor has proven control-mastery of his motorcycle and that his driving is safe,” highlight the specialists in the area.

For the design of the new protocol, the evaluation conditions applied in countries such as Germany, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Canada, the United States, France and Italy were analyzed, with the aim of establishing comparative parameters at an international level. . Specialists in the area indicated that the tests used in said countries to guarantee suitability and conductive aptitude include Practical exercises such as slalom, braking, zig-zag test, U-turn and figure 8 test. This analysis was essential to design an exam that ensures that residents who obtain a motorcycle driver’s license are prepared to drive, both theoretically and practically.

A fundamental change in the new format establishes how mandatory condition to appear for the exam with the appropriate clothing (Before it only subtracted points, today is a eliminatory). This requirement begins with the use of the regulatory helmet as mandatory protection: it must not be damaged and must be appropriate to the driver’s size.

The exam incorporates new slalom tests, braking, zig-zag test, U-turn and figure 8 test (CABA)

Additionally, the driver must wear the minimum clothing appropriate for driving: long pants, long sleeves and closed shoes, without heels or platforms. The objective is to guarantee a certain degree of protection against abrasion, collision, accidents or friction on the sides of the motorcycle that could cause burns and eventual loss of control of the vehicle or risky maneuvers.

With respect to the established evaluation circuit, the exam is divided into three stages. In the first, the maneuverability of the motorcycle is determined within a box or initial exit sector with the engine off, and straight-line traffic is also evaluated with the correct maneuver in the braking technique and correct driving position.

In a second instance of the circuit the driver must demonstrate proper technique for making left and right turns properly using the accelerator and brake system, as well as checking the transfer of body weight appropriately.

Finally, in the last segment, Obstacles such as slalom and zig-zag appear; The aim is for the applicant to be able to adapt their driving to the characteristics of that segment, making the corresponding transfers in a fluid and safe manner with full command of the use of the motorcycle-vehicle controls.

It should be noted that each of the three stages of the circuit are essential to pass and obtain the license. All tests are essential and equally important in the evaluation process and They must be passed in their entirety in order to obtain registration.

Long pants, long sleeves and closed-toe shoes, without heels or platforms, will be required for driving (CABA).

The Secretary of Government and Citizen Link of the Buenos Aires Government, Cesar Torres, highlighted the importance of this new measure, stating: “We implemented a new way of evaluating motorcycle drivers to ensure that those who obtain registration are better prepared to drive on the streets of the City; “We seek to improve and increase the requirement of the exam to reduce accidents and promote better road coexistence.” With this initiative, It seeks to raise the standard of safety on the roads, thus reducing the incidence of accidents and promoting a culture of responsible driving among citizens. Likewise, the official stressed: “These changes in the motorcycle driver’s license exam reflect a renewed commitment to road safety and the reduction of accidents on the streets. We intend for these reforms to not only improve driver preparation but also promote a safer and more responsible driving culture in the motorcycle community.”

Inclusion of new tests: The preventive inspection is incorporated, the 8 test to evaluate mastery at low speed and displacement with the engine off, which were not present in the old exam.

Modification in the evaluation of braking technique: In the old exam, the braking technique was evaluated with a previous “slalom”, which did not allow a precise evaluation. In the new exam, the evaluation of the braking technique of the slalom is separated, allowing a more precise and detailed evaluation. Change in zig-zag measurement parameter: In the old exam, the zig-zag measurement was carried out based on speed, while in the new protocol it is changed based on time, discarding the use of a stopwatch. Distance reduction in the zig-zag test: The distance in the zig-zag test is reduced from 7 meters to 5.30 meters in the new exam, which allows greater precision in the evaluation of movement from left to right and the correct position and inclination of the motorcycle.

The new exam track (CABA)

The psychophysical evaluation is a fundamental requirement, prior to the practical exam, which is essential to pass the exam, it contemplates the following instances:

Psychological test: An in-depth psychological test is carried out (Bender’s test) that was specially designed by experts on the subject and is carried out by psychologists trained for the task. Visual evaluation: It allows us to verify that the person meets the visual standards required for driving (consists of a binocular test, campimetry and glare test). Speech therapy evaluation: It consists of a tonal scan and an examination of the person’s hearing ability. Medical evaluation: It allows the applicant’s state of health to be specified and it is verified, together with the information included in the sworn declaration, that the holder of the procedure is fit to drive. In this step, the neighbor is consulted about pre-existing diseases that may influence their driving ability (diabetes, narcolepsy). A physical test is also included. This consists of the doctor evaluating movements and dexterity of different parts of the body and extremities.

The new exam will be taken at the Buenos Aires headquarters of Parque Roca (CABA)

The theoretical exam consists of 40 questions with multiple options (multiple choice) and each candidate has 45 minutes to complete it. To pass, it is necessary to pass at least 32 correct answers. Otherwise, you will be disapproved and must ask for an appointment to take another test. To take the theoretical motorcycle exam, the applicant must study the motorcycle driving manual and perform a three-hour driver’s education course, which can be done in person or virtually.

The theoretical evaluation process was prepared by the Road Education and Coexistence Management of the General Directorate of Design and Implementation of GCBA and validated by the following institutions linked to the subject: International Automobile Federation, Region IV, Automobile Club Argentino, Civil Association Carla Arduini, Civil Association Mothers of Pain, Civil Association National Network of Families of Traffic Victims, Civil Association Working Against Road Insecurity and Violence with Sustainable Actions, Association for the Reduction of Road Accidents, Center for Sustainable Mobility Studies of the University National Technology, Avellaneda Regional Faculty, Creating Consciousness and Space for Reflection Let’s take care of each other.

The updated exam manual and a video tutorial with all the details are available on the City website.

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