Let’s help those who fall into drug slavery

On the occasion of the UN World Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking being celebrated today, Pope Francis dedicated the catechism of this morning’s general audience to the tragic reality of drug addiction.

Adriana Masotti – Vatican City

“Given the tragic situation of drug addiction of millions of people in the world, given the scandal of the production and illicit trafficking of these drugs, we cannot be indifferent”

On the occasion of the World Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking, which is being celebrated today, the Holy Father dedicated his catechesis at the general audience held this Wednesday, June 26, in St. Peter’s Square, to this social scourge. The motto of the Day established by the UN in 1987 is: “The evidence is clear: we must invest in prevention.”

Saint Paul to the Corinthians

The reading that introduces the Pope’s reflection is taken from the First Letter to the Corinthians:

“All things are profitable to me.” Yes, but not everything is legal. “Everything is lawful for me!” Yes, but I will not let myself be dominated by anything. “Food is for the belly and the belly is for food!” But God will destroy this and that. The body is not for uncleanness, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body. God, who raised up the Lord, will also raise us up by his power.”

Every person has the dignity of a child of God

As Saint John Paul II had stated, drug consumption harms every community in which it is present, Francis recalled that attention is always directed to every person involved in its use. And, quoting what he had said to the participants in the meeting sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on November 24, 2016he claimed:

“Every drug addict carries with them a different personal story, which must be listened to, understood, loved and, to the extent possible, healed and purified. They continue to have, more than ever, a dignity, as children of God. “Everyone has a dignity”

End production and trafficking

The Pope then cited the stern words of Benedict XVI, who had urged traffickers to reflect “on the evil they are doing to a multitude of young people and adults,” taking into account that God will hold them accountable. “They are murderers,” says Francisco and then he spoke about what needs to be done to stop drug consumption:

Reducing drug addiction is not achieved by liberalizing consumptionthis is a fantasyas has been proposed, or already implemented, in some countries. And this: it is liberalized and more is consumed. After having learned so many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families, I am convinced that it is morally right to end the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances. How many death dealers are there?because drug traffickers are death traffickers!How many traffickers of death there are, driven by the logic of power and money at any price!

Prevention as a priority means of contrast

Francisco referred to the “logic of power and money at any price” that leads traffickers to sow death and pointed out prevention as a “priority way” to combat drug consumption.

Furthermore, based on his personal experiences, the Pope added:

In my travels through different dioceses and countries, I have been able to visit several recovery communities inspired by the Gospel. They are a strong and hopeful testimony of the commitment of priests, consecrated people and lay people to put the parable of the Good Samaritan into practice. I am also comforted by the efforts undertaken by several Episcopal Conferences to promote fair legislation and policies regarding the treatment of drug addicts and prevention to put an end to this scourge.

Prayer and commitment against drugs

As an example, the Pontiff recalled the network of The Latin American Pastoral Care and Prevention of Addictions (PLAPA), which shares experiences and difficulties in the fight against drugs, and the bishops of Southern Africa, who in November last year convened a meeting on the “Empowerment of young people as agents of peace and hope.” No one can remain indifferent, the Pope said, in the face of “the tragic situation of drug addiction” and the “scandal of illicit production and trafficking.”

“Our model is Jesus.” Repeating what he wrote in his Message to participants in the 60th International Congress of Forensic Toxicologists On August 26, 2023, Francisco continued saying:

In the style of his proximity, we too are called to act, to stop in situations of fragility and pain, to know how to listen to the cry of loneliness and anguish, to bend down to lift up and return to life those who fall into the slavery of the drug.

“In the style of his proximity, we too are called to act, to stop in situations of fragility and pain, to know how to listen to the cry of loneliness and anguish, to bend down to lift up and return to life those who fall into slavery. of drugs”

The Holy Father concluded by also inviting us to pray for “these criminals who spend and give drugs to young people.” And he reiterated: “They are criminals, they are murderers. Let us pray for his conversion.”

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