Fonfría will create the Open Air Mural Art Museum

Fonfría will create the Open Air Mural Art Museum
Fonfría will create the Open Air Mural Art Museum

The town of Fonfría Get ready will host the I Mural Art Contest “La Magarza” on August 9, 10 and 11, 2024“under the motto for this year of “This is how we played: Scenes from Traditional Children’s Games” that will take place in the peri-urban area of ​​”Los Aguilones.”

The initiative is promoted by the new “La Magarza” Cultural Association and the Fonfría City Council, in collaboration with the Fomento Hispania Foundation, Zamora Provincial Council (Culture Area), local action group Association for the Development of Aliste, Tábara and Alba (Adata) and “Pebeo” paintings.

It is certainly open to the participation of all artists over 18 years of age of any nationality and residence who wish to do so, upon registration, as long as they demonstrate an adequate artistic level in the field of muralism, except those sanctioned or with open procedures by any public administration.

Those interested can register now – registration is free – until 11:59 p.m. on July 19, 2024.

Under the motto “This is how we played” the aim is to capture scenes of traditional children’s games from Rural Spain. such as, for example, the potato run, the hide-and-seek, the sack, the frog or the top typical of a rural area such as Get ready until the sixties and seventies. Works that must be original and unpublished. Works that have political, irreverent, obscene, xenophobic or any other content that violates the dignity of people will not be admitted. Works designed with artificial intelligence will not be admitted.

Fonfría Town Hall | Chany Sebastian

Caja Rural Foundation Zamorawill be in charge of financing the cash prizes: 1,000 euros for the winner, 700 for the second and 500 for the third. Likewise, a prize will be awarded to the best mural chosen by popular vote. This prize will consist of a batch of Pebeo Origin ecological paints valued at 250 euros, which will be compatible with the others. The awards ceremony will take place on August 22, coinciding with the Fonfría patron saint festivities. Once the registration period has closed, the jury will select those contestants who will participate in the La Magarza contest: a maximum of ten, who will be notified before July 23.

To carry out their work, each participant will have an area of ​​3 by 2.5 meters on a white prefabricated concrete wall, spaces that will be numbered and awarded by lottery.

The technique will be free and any material necessary for the proper development of the work may be used. The materials will be paid for by each artist and the organization may offer, where appropriate, to provide a ladder or some other means of access. The works produced during the competition will be freely available to the organizing entities, remaining on display in their original location for a period of one year without any other financial compensation being derived from the organization, except for that given as prizes.

After the year of the exhibition, the walls will be painted white with the exception of the winning mural, which will be pardoned to become part of the final one. “Los Aguilones” Open Air Mural Art Museum.

Amparo Aparicio, president of “La Magarza”

Accommodation and food will be at the expense of the contestants. However, the organization may provide, if necessary and with due notice, given the shortage of places, one night’s accommodation in the municipal hostel of the “Portuguese Way” of the Silver Route Without aditional costs. Throughout the contest, water bottles will be provided to the artists.

The organizers themselves define Aliste as “one of the most depressed rural areas of the province of Zamora from a socioeconomic point of view, but with great human and landscape wealth.” The aim is to revitalize the area, “fill it with life and recover ancient traditions from oblivion, disseminating mural art as a channel of expression and communication.”


The Cultural Association “La Magarza” was born in Fonfría de Aliste as a formal channel for the activities, concerns and aspirations of a group of people with extensive experience in programming and executing all types of cultural events.

Its objectives are, among others, to promote and preserve local culture through various activities and events: “Our mission is to promote art and culture in our community by offering a space for creativity and cultural expression.”

That is why they decided to hold this mural contest that was born with a double purpose. “On the one hand, trying to ensure that our customs and traditions do not fall into oblivion and, on the other, bringing contemporary art closer to an area completely removed from the usual circuits.”

The purpose of this pictorial and cultural initiative is to create an attractive space, turning the paraje of “Los Aguilones” in a large open-air art gallery in which a dozen participants create their works live “in this wonderful space.”

The The Board of Directors is chaired by Amparo Aparicio Leopoldo, with José Vaquero Rodríguez as vice president, Silvia Martín Román as secretary, and María Yolanda Mannu Rodríguez as treasurer, complete with three members: Verónica Río Calonge, Sergio López Vaquero and Julio Juan Río Calonge.

With a view to the summer season, the Fonfría City Council has decided to organize one more year the toy library that will open its doors in the civic center during the months of July and August, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Registration will be open until June 30 for children from 3 to 12 years old. The price for those registered will be 45 euros per month and 25 per fortnight. Those not registered will pay 65 euros per month and 35 per fortnight.

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