Best-selling authors in Sant Jordi

Best-selling authors in Sant Jordi
Best-selling authors in Sant Jordi

Barcelona (EFE).- The writers Javier Castillo and Ramon Gener have been the best sellers in Spanish and Catalan, respectively, during Sant Jordi, according to sources in the sector.

In novels in Spanish, the best-selling novels were, in this order, ‘The crack of silence’ (Suma), by Javier Castillo; ‘A wild animal’ (Alfaguara), by Joël Dicker; ‘Three enigmas for the Organization’ (Seix Barral), by Eduardo Mendoza; ‘See you in August’ (Random House), by Gabriel García Márquez; and ‘The Child’ (Tusquets), by Fernando Aramburu.

In fiction in Catalan, the best seller was, as already predicted, ‘History of a piano’ (Columna), by Ramon Gener; followed by ‘Un animal salvatge’ (The Bell), by Joël Dicker; ‘Ocàs i fascinació’ (Club Editor), by Eva Baltasar; ‘Learn to avoid the bales’ (La Campana), by Xavi Coral; ; and ‘La germandat de l’àngel caigut’ (Destiny), by Jaume Clotet.

Non-fiction books

In non-fiction books in Spanish, the winner of Book Day in Catalonia was ‘Recover your mind, reconquer your life’ (Espasa), by Marian Rojas Estapé; ‘Atomic Habits’ (Diana), by James Clear; ‘Anatomy of Evil’ (B), by Jordi Wild; ‘How to make good things happen to you’ (Espasa), by Marian Rojas Estapé; and ‘Don’t make mountains out of molehills’ (Grijalbo), by Rafael Santandreu.

The writer Ramón Gener signs books yesterday in Sant Jordi. EFE/Toni Albir

In the essays in Catalan the ranking would be headed by ‘Tor: Foc encès’ (The Bell), by Carles Porta; followed by ‘La teva salut comença aqui’ (Rosa dels Vents), by Xevi Verdaguer; ‘Ments preclares’ (La Vanguardia), by Quim Monzó; ‘Cream!’ (Column), by Maria Nicolau; and ‘Tres mesos de vacances’ (Rosa dels Vents), by Neus Rossell.

Children’s books

As for children’s and young people’s books in Catalan, the best sellers have been, in this order, ‘The mysterious and surprising house of the avi’ (Combel), by Meritxell Martí Orriols; ‘Jo primer’ (El Cep i la Nansa), by Míriam Tirado; ‘The arrival of Sant Jordi de Roba’ (Polar Star), by Marta García Pérez; ‘The meravellosa i horripilant casa de la iaia’ (Combel), by Meritxell Martí; and ‘Porn is NOT cool’ (Montena), by Anna Salvia and Cristina Torrón-Menstruita.

And in Spanish, in the field of children’s and young people’s books, Rebecca Yarros occupies the first and fourth positions with ‘Alas de sangre’ and ‘Alas de iron’ (Planeta), and the rest of the best sellers in order are ‘Fabricante de tears’ ‘, by Erin Doom; ‘Player number 12’, from Kings League (both in Montena); and ‘A dead influencer in Paris’ (Planeta), by Blue Jeans.

The sector will publish next Monday, April 29, the last list that will already include the sales data of the stops.

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