These are the five variants of ‘spoofing’, the type of fraud that challenges banking security in Colombia

These are the five variants of ‘spoofing’, the type of fraud that challenges banking security in Colombia
These are the five variants of ‘spoofing’, the type of fraud that challenges banking security in Colombia

‘Spoofing’, a technique used to steal people’s identities and thus commit online crimes, carrying out all types of unauthorized transactions or transfers – credit Freepik

Currently, it has become more common for cybercriminals to simulate a person’s voice to make fraudulent calls, manipulate biometric systems through facial recognition technology, in addition to sending text messages or emails from false addresses, with the aim of deceiving to the recipients and thus obtain confidential information such as personal data.

In this way, advances in this aspect have opened the way for increasingly complex banking scams, in which the sophistication of security threats has reached unimaginable levels.

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It should be noted that concern still persists over the method of physical robberies in bank branches, but The alerts are on due to digital fraud that has taken giant steps towards more insidious maneuvers such as data falsification and identity theft.

This type of fraud is known as spoofinga technique used to steal people’s identities and thus commit online crimes, carrying out all types of unauthorized transactions or transfers, spreading a virus among the victim’s contacts.

According to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, These are the five variants of the spoofing:

  • IP address manipulation: Criminals change the victim’s IP address to another to send malware packets to their devices, thus compromising their security and privacy.
  • Fraudulent websites: These sites imitate legitimate pages but with slightly modified addresses. Users are tricked into entering sensitive information, which may result in the infection of their devices.
  • Spoofing through phone calls and text messages: In this case, scammers pose as trusted entities, such as banks or companies, to trick victims into revealing confidential information or making money transfers.

It is essential to immediately block the credit or debit card and report any unrecognized transactions to the bank – Freepik credit

  • DNS (Domain Name System) Spoofing: In this technique, users’ queries are redirected to malicious websites instead of the legitimate ones they were trying to visit.
  • Spoofing via email: This method involves sending infected messages from fake addresses. The emails can convince the victim to download malicious files, visit fraudulent websites or disclose sensitive data. For example, an email apparently sent by a social network could request a password update, with the intention of capturing it and accessing personal accounts.

In this way, to avoid being a victim of spoofing, It is essential to immediately block the credit or debit card and report any unrecognized transactions to the bankaccording to the bank BBVA on your web portal. Therefore, the banking entity issues a series of suggestions that can help prevent these digital scams:

  • Use two-step authentication.
  • Do not open emails or answer calls from unknown people.
  • Verify the authenticity of requests for personal information by calling the company or institution directly before providing any data.
  • Confirm that links begin with “https” before entering information.
  • Avoid downloading files or opening links sent by unknown people.
  • Use different passwords and change them every three months.
  • Have an updated antivirus and download the latest updates for your systems.
  • Analyze messages to identify suspicious signs, such as spelling mistakes or threats such as “if you don’t do it in 5 minutes, we will cancel your account.”

From Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) they announced that unscrupulous people are impersonating the entity’s page to divert clients’ money and take over resources.

The information became known after the company identified several cases on Friday, June 14, 2024. According to reports, its billing platform:, was impersonated and the Scammers were redirecting customer and user payments to a third-party bank account.

EPM sent a message to its clients to only use official channels to make their payments. These include its website, the EPM application We are there, Ema on WhatsApp, and the QR code found on the printed or digital invoice.

The entity alerted users to take all precautionary measures and avoid future scams – credit Luisa González/Reuters

The company emphasized that digital payments should only made through the Secure Online Payments (PSE) page, and not through transactions with QR codes from different banking entities, credit or debit cards, or digital wallets.

“We reiterate to our users that digital payments through our platforms are always made through Secure Online Payments (PSE),” they expressed from Empresas Públicas de Medellín through a statement. With this, the company seeks to reassure its customers and remind them of the security measures they must follow.

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