Cundinamarca dreams of the construction of two botanical gardens and a butterfly garden in Tocaima and Cogua

Author: Adriana González


June 26, 2024

The Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca – CAR explores strategic alliances for the formation of two botanical gardens in the territory under its charge, one equipped with living collections of tropical dry forest species and another with flora representative of the high Andean and paramo ecosystems.

This was announced by the director of the CAR, Alfred Ignacio Ballesteros after his visit to the Quindío Botanical Garden, where he met with the director Alberto Gómez, to exchange experiences and knowledge with this important entity, as well as convene other institutions and groups. that make this initiative possible.

“I invite the public and private sectors, academia and non-governmental organizations to join this great commitment to build two botanical gardens, one in Tocaima and the other in the Río Neusa Park, as well as a butterfly garden, thus fulfilling the dream of “the Cundinamarquesans” stated the director of the CAR.

Ballesteros added that the territory under the responsibility of the CAR is one of the places with the greatest representation of flora at a national level, as it is home to various ecosystems of ecological importance and an abundant supply of environmental services.

He also highlighted the presence of various species of insects, especially butterflies, so these spaces could become open classrooms for education, conservation and protection of the natural wealth of the territory.

“We are looking for strategic allies from universities, civil society and the private sectors, to launch these gardens and contribute from science and research to social appropriation and the conservation of our biodiversity,” said director Alfred Ballesteros.

The new botanical gardens and butterfly garden are expected to be an important resource for environmental education, scientific research and tourism in Cundinamarca.

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Author: Adriana González
Author: Adriana González

Social Communicator and Journalist – Uniminuto Zipaquirá

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