Work in Bogotá without experience access 2 thousand job vacancies

Work in Bogotá without experience access 2 thousand job vacancies
Work in Bogotá without experience access 2 thousand job vacancies

Through strategy ‘Talent Capital’ the Secretariat of Economic Development (SDDE)in collaboration with its allied companies, offers 2,183 jobs in Bogotabetween June 25 and July 1, 2024. People interested in applying must register at and

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Among the job offers are positions for commercial logistics manager, transportation coordinator, social resident, barista, bank tellers, plant operators, warehouse assistant, store operators, among others. Also, there are more than 980 employment opportunities for people who have no experience.

In addition, there are 300 positions available for specialists, professionals, technicians and technologists for positions such as infrastructure construction director, head of nursing, ENT specialist, systems engineer, public accountant, construction resident, sales supervisor, carpentry leader, construction assistant. human management, among others.

Among the job options, there are 284 positions for apprentices available in areas such as customer service, human management, graphic design, psychology, business administration and industrial engineering. Likewise, there are job options for women, young people, victims of the armed conflict, people with disabilities and people over 50 years of age.

Below are the video statements of Yolima López, deputy director of Employment and Training of the Secretariat of Economic Development (SDDE), with more details of the more than 2,000 vacancies with ‘Capital Talent’:

These vacancies are offered by more than 55 companies allied to the District Employment Agency, including Banco Davivienda, Ara, Activos SAS, Biomax Biocombustibles, Serdan, Sodexo, among others.

The District Employment Agency of the Secretariat of Economic Development (SDDE), will hold this Wednesday, June 26, the diverse employment day. In total there are more than 100 jobs destined exclusively for LGBTI social sectors.

There are positions available for work in the areas of portfolio recovery, hospital diet assistant, public accounting, kitchen assistant, and commercial advisor.

People interested in participating must attend in person at the Casa LGBTI Eduard Hernández (Calle 36 sur # 18 k – 58 – Kennedy), between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm

During the day the following services will be provided:

  • Consulting and registration of resume at the District Employment Agency.
  • Socio-occupational guidance to strengthen your work profile.

  • Training in soft skills.

  • Labor intermediation according to the profile.

  • Guidance on social services from the Sub-directorate for LGBTI Affairs of the Secretariat of Social Integration (SDIS.

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In this way, the Secretariat of Economic Development (SDDE) progresses in the implementation of the Talent Capital strategy to connect job seekers with companies. These are some of the 2,183 jobs available between June 25 and July 1:

  • Technology support analyst

  • Point of sale operator

  • Business administration and/or human talent intern

  • cleaning worker

  • bank tellers

  • Portfolio recovery advisor

  • psychology intern

  • Architecture and related intern

  • Motorized installation assistant

  • Kitchen/grill assistant

  • Human management assistant

  • Driver

  • bus operators

  • Carpentry leader

  • Commercial analyst

  • Commercial logistics manager

  • Commercial advisor

  • Production assistant

  • Pizza maker

  • Commercial advisor

  • Plant operator

  • Junior furniture upholsterer

  • Warehouse assistant

  • barista

  • Public transport washing operators Social professional

  • Customer service advisor

  • Collection advisor

  • Kitchen assistant

  • Data analyst

  • Inventory analyst

  • Vigilant

You can consult other job offers at

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