the pain that ruined the night she won the Oscar, the love that rescued her and her fight for mental health

She made her film debut at age 16 and became a rising star. Her mother’s fight against breast cancer that delayed her arrival in Hollywood. Her great love story with Tom Cruise, one of the highest grossing in history. The separation from her and her distancing from Scientology. The actress turns 57 and is still as spectacular as she was in her beginnings

“My parents thought it was good to develop my imagination, but they never seriously thought that anything would come of it. “They said she couldn’t be an actress because she would be taller than all my protagonists, so I thought about being a writer,” said the actress. But sometimes parents make mistakes, like in her case, she ended up being one of the most acclaimed stars of her generation. Although her life seems perfect, throughout her 57 years Nicole Kidman she has overcome a great deal of adversity, fertility issues, failing health, and personal loss.

By Infobae

The elegant Nicole Mary Kidman, known as one of Australia’s top Hollywood imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii, while her Australian parents were there on educational visas, on June 20, 1967. The daughter of Janelle Ann, a nursing instructor, and Antony David Kidman, a biochemist and clinical psychologist, she is of English descent, Irish and Scottish. Shortly after her birth, the family moved to Washington, D.C., where her father continued his research into breast cancer and then, three years later, made the pilgrimage back to Sydney, Australia, her parents’ hometown. , where Nicole grew up.

Nicole Kidman

Young Kidman’s first love was ballet, but over time he also dedicated himself to mime and theater; His first theater role was as a dancing sheep in an elementary school Christmas show. In her teens, acting overtook the other arts and became a kind of refuge: while his classmates sought fun in the sun, the fair-skinned Kidman retreated to dark rehearsal rooms to practice her craft. of the.

Finally He dropped out of high school to pursue acting full time. She broke into movies at age 16 and landed a role in the Christmas movie Bush Christmas (1983). That appearance triggered an avalanche of film and television offers. At 17, she was already a rising star, but her life took a dramatic turn when her mother Janelle was diagnosed with breast cancer, and Nicole was by her side during this painful episode. “I accompanied her in her battle when she was 17 years old. I think that left an indelible mark on me forever. “Seeing her face that pain and at the same time demonstrate so much strength committed me to this cause for the rest of my life.” Since then, The actress has been actively dedicated to breast cancer awareness and research, collaborating with the Women’s Cancer Program at Stanford University.

NNicole Kidman and Tom Cruise married on Christmas Eve 1990 after meeting on the set of Thunder days (1990). In an interview with Vanity Fair she revealed, “she completely blew me away. I fell madly and deeply in love. And like when you fall in love, my whole plan in terms of what I wanted for my life was like, ‘Forget it. This is all’. “It absorbed me completely.” When saying “yes,” Nicole was 22 years old, “she was very young when I got married. Now, looking back, I think, ‘What was that like?’ By the time I was 27, I already had two children and had been married for four years. But it was what I wanted. “Tom really supported me and I’m very grateful for that,” Kidman said. She talked about the positives and negatives of marrying a Hollywood superstar so young; “He was definitely a protection for me. I married for love, but being married to such a powerful man also gave me security. Even though I worked, I felt protected. So When I came out of that at 32, 33 years old, I was suddenly forced to mature.”

Nicole Kidman and her children Connor and Isabella in 2004 (Photo by Matthew Simmons/Getty Images)

At 23 years old, the protagonist of Moulin Rouge (2001) suffered an ectopic pregnancy and, to make matters worse, the media incorrectly reported that she had a miscarriage, an experience she described as extremely painful; “There were incorrect reports. I did have a miscarriage at the end of my marriage, but also an ectopic pregnancy at the beginning. It was very traumatic for me. Sometimes it’s hard with so much pain”. But the couple didn’t have to wait long to become parents: they adopted their daughter Isabella, born in 1992, and their son Connor, born in 1995.

The actress suffered another loss in 2001, when she experienced a miscarriage during her marriage to Cruise, and shared, “There’s not enough talk about the other side of childbirth, miscarriage. It is something very difficult for many women. Just as there is joy in birth, there is great pain in loss.” However, the protagonist of A distant horizon1992) finally found that joy in 2008, when she gave birth to her daughter Sunday Rose, the result of her second marriage to Keith Urban. In 2010, the couple welcomed their second daughter. Faith Margaret through surrogacy. “We desperately wanted to have another child,” she confessed. In her words, as a mother she opted for adoption and surrogacy to expand her family, although she believes that society places undue value on biological motherhood; “It doesn’t matter if you are a biological, adoptive or foster mother… the important thing is the love and connection with a child, guiding them and raising them.”

The “perfect” couple fell apart in 2001: the same year Nicole suffered her miscarriage, Tom Cruise filed for divorce ending their marriage just as Kidman’s career was at its peak. According to his publicist, the separation was motivated by their different demands and schedules; They announced their divorce in February 2001, when their rep told People, “Citing the difficulties of their careers that kept them constantly apart, they concluded that an amicable separation is best for both of them at this time.” When the marriage came to an end, she had to face the emotional toll of the divorce: just two years after their separation, Kidman won an Oscar for his role in The hours (2002). When accepting the award from him, she showed great enthusiasm. Although some tears escaped during his speech, he said, “Russell Crowe told me not to cry if he went up there, and now I’m crying.” She was excited and overwhelmed by the Academy’s recognition, but she had many other things on her mind, especially about her ex-husband. The night she won the award, his separation affected her deeply, as she put it, “Surrounded by success, wearing a designer dress and a gold statuette that should have symbolized so much, I felt more alone than ever. I asked myself, ‘What am I doing? Where I go now? What I do? I’m divorced, alone, what’s next?’”

Photo: Nicole Kidman after seeing her lawyer and formalizing her divorce agreement with Tom Cruise / velvetcoke

In the book 50 Oscar Nights by Dave Karger, Kidman shared her mixed feelings that Oscar night in 2003, explaining, “I was dealing with some things in my personal life, but my career was going very well. “That’s how things are, right?” Although he didn’t explicitly mention Cruise, her Oscar win came on the heels of her divorce from the Top Gun star. Kidman admitted that he initially did not want to attend the after-party to celebrate his victory. Despite her initial resistance, her team convinced her to go and she finally agreed. However, it wasn’t long before she returned to her hotel room; in her words, “I went to bed alone; I was in bed before midnight. “If I ever won again, I assure you I would be out for 24 hours.” Before leaving the awards that night, Kidman reflected on how she would have liked to share that moment with someone she loved, confessing, “I sat on the floor of the hotel eating fries and a hamburger and went to bed. That’s when it hit me. I thought, ‘I need to find my love; I need a love in my life. Because this is supposed to be ours.’”

While divorcing Tom Cruise, Nicole lived with her friend, actress Naomi Watts. She has always kept the most intimate details about her relationship and separation a secret.

In an interview with Ladies’ Home Journal in 2005, Kidman still regretted her first marriage, saying, “It was a huge shock. Still is. To me, he was just Tom, but to everyone else he was a mega star. He was always lovely to me, and I loved him. And I still love him.”. However, although he was going through a difficult time, Little did Kidman know that just a few years later he would meet the love of his life. In 2005, he met Keith Urban at a G’Day USA gala. A year later, they married in Australia. Since 2006, they have been happy and welcomed two children. Speaking glowingly about Urban in an interview, the Back to School actress Cold Mountain (2005) said, “I met him later in life and he was the best thing that ever happened to me.” In 2018, Kidman finally hinted at the power dynamic that existed with Cruise and the reasons beyond romance that led her to the relationship, adding, “I feel reluctant to talk about being married to Tom Cruise because I’m married to the man now.” “He is the love of my life, and it would be disrespectful.”

Nicole Kidman has kept her relationship with the two children she adopted with her ex-husband private, Connor and Isabella Cruise. This fact became evident during her acceptance speeches at the 2017 Emmys and 2018 Golden Globes, where she thanked Sunday and Faith, her daughters with second husband Keith Urban, but did not mention Cruise’s.

Nicole keeps in touch with Connor and Isabella. However, after completely leaving the Church of Scientology upon divorcing Tom, revealed that her children are still part of that church, and said, “I prefer to be secretive about that. It is important to me to protect those relationships. “I am completely committed to giving everything for my children, because that is my purpose.” When speaking about Connor and Isabella’s religious choices, she commented, “They are adults and have the right to make their own decisions. They have chosen to be Scientologists, and as a mother, it is my duty to love them. I am an example of tolerance and I believe that, regardless of your children’s decisions, you will always love them unconditionally. They need to know that my love is always available and that I am willing to support them in that.”

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