The health emergency with a divided opinion

Legislators who make up the Health Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of Chaco receive members of the Association of Holistic and Complementary Therapists of the province who support the importance of the bill that proposes establishing a regulatory framework for traditional, complementary and integrative medicine in Chaco.

The initiative’s objectives are to incorporate the practices and therapies of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine within the list of medical benefits provided by the provincial State and the social work of the Province, so that they are recognized in the health care system. public and private health, to achieve coverage; promote the responsible use of practices and therapies as well as access to information, training of professionals, research and development of the knowledge and therapies of Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine. It dates back to 2023 and was authored by provincial deputy Élida Cuesta.

The initiative lists some of the therapies that are currently practiced, taught and transmitted at the provincial level, such as reiki (in all its modalities), family constellations, ontological coaching, therapeutic pendulum (Hebrew, Akashic, traditional), life regression therapy passes, transgenerational regression therapy, Tibetan massage, sound massage with Tibetan bowls; auriculotherapy; acupuncture; shiatsu; yoga (all modalities); craniosacral therapy; ancestral healing of the evil eye; digestive system imbalances; ancestral healing of nerve problems, among others.

Divided positions for bills

After the hearing, the agenda of the commission is discussed where the proposal presented by the opposition bench is debated, to declare the provincial health emergency regarding the supply of supplies and medicines for assistance in public health institutions. The initiative has an approving opinion from legislators from the Justicialist bloc and the portfolio office of the Interbloc Together for Change.

In the same sense, they spoke about the bill that proposes to declare emergency and food sovereignty for one year and about a proposal by legislator Juan José Bergia to modify articles of law No. 1215-G on the Training and Training Regime of Human Resources in Health of the Province of Chaco.

The commission is made up of deputies Paola Benítez (president), Rodrigo Ocampo, Andrea Charole, Josefina González, Ernesto Blasco, Pia Chiacchio Cavana, Carlos Salom, Analía Flores, Laura Bisonni and Atlanto Honcheruk.

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