Community health meetings on Quehui and Chelin Islands.

Community health meetings on Quehui and Chelin Islands.
Community health meetings on Quehui and Chelin Islands.

On the Quehui and Chelin Islands; the rural health health team of the Castro Primary Care Network; met with the community; whose purpose is to discuss the health needs of the sector.

Jeannette Santana, head of the rural health team; She expressed her satisfaction with the call to the meetings of the territorial tables on both islands; where the main theme is to complete the community diagnosis and also approve the information regarding the flow chart of good treatment in care. At the meeting; Also, the territorial map was updated with all the community assets of the sectors.

Regarding the evaluation of the rural health team, the community is happy and satisfied with the care provided; In addition, it is intended to generate improvements in relation to field trips.

Regarding Quehui’s situation; explained Silvia Ojeda, social worker of the rural health team, there is interest on the part of the community to reactivate the territorial table; and thus, work together on health issues.

In Chelin, there is a little more progress; since the health committee is active; and the purpose is to continue intersectoral work with the municipality in projects and training.

During the meetings; The professional added, there was a good turnout and commitment from all sectors; The idea is to continue meeting quarterly throughout the year; he concluded.

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