Silvina Luna: her departure from Rosario full of dreams, the search for love and a death that an entire country cried

Silvina Luna: her departure from Rosario full of dreams, the search for love and a death that an entire country cried
Silvina Luna: her departure from Rosario full of dreams, the search for love and a death that an entire country cried

Silvina Luna in Panama when she began her spiritual work, surrounded by friends

It all started with a bet, one of those strong ones that turns the world 180 degrees. That require courage and passion, two attributes that she counted on until the end. The year was 1997 and when all the girls were thinking about going dancing, wearing a new t-shirt or getting along with the boy they liked (things of the time for any teenager), Silvina Luna He had unwavering determination. And in that direction it went.

“I was 17 years old and had total perseverance. had a north: Buenos Aires, the mecca of my dreams, the place that fit all my fantasies. That love for the city came from afar, from when I accompanied my mother to buy clothes that she later sold (…). I arrived determined to study theater with my father totally against it and my mother in favor, by my side as always. I didn’t know anyone and I settled in a women-only boarding house in the Congreso neighborhood. Mom stayed with me for a few days (…). I remember when the time came for him to return to Rosario. I see her walking down the sidewalk, leaving. Her figure, from behind, becomes smaller and smaller. And I’m alone, in a huge city, in the tiny room of the boarding house, with a suitcase and full of dreamsready to start a new chapter of my life. a blank page“, he recounted in the first person, years later, in his book Simple and conscious.

Silvina Luna on her 15th birthday with her parents, Roxana and Sergio, and her brother Ezequiel, then 10 years old

It wouldn’t be the first strong decision he would make throughout his life, nor the last. And the bet paid off. Thanks to her charisma, her humor, her sensitivity and her unique resilience, before and after her fame took her by storm in the second edition of Big Brother, Silvina knew how to reinvent herself more than once. Family fights, failed romances, infidelities, some work setbacks. He was able to handle everything except what he called “the worst mistake of my life,” in reference to the surgery he performed on him in 2011. Aníbal Lotocki, whose malpractice ended up costing him his life.

The doctor finally, and after a long struggle on the part of the victims (in addition to Silvina, Pamela Sosa, Gabriela Trenchi and Stefanía Xipolitakis, among others, denounced him) was arrested, with a sentence to be confirmed that could be increased from 4 to 8 years. of prison for serious injuries and 10 of disqualification from practicing his profession. She put up a fight until his body said enough on the afternoon of August 31, 2023, waiting for a kidney transplant, at 43 years old and with many dreams to fulfill.

One of them was to become a mother, which is why she had frozen eggs. Another, make a series of her life to help other women. That aesthetic intervention and the ordeal that he had to go through, with a daily period of intense pain, could not dampen his smile and his courage to continue, to leave a legacy and send a positive message about self-love: accepting ourselves, loving ourselves, respecting ourselves, taking care of ourselves. . Just as we are, without the need to resort to magic potions or risky interventions.

From Rosario to Buenos Aires, Silvina arrived at a women’s boarding house, with a suitcase loaded with dreams and a lot of hope.

Today, Friday, June 21, Silvina would turn 44 years old. He died too young 9 months and 19 days ago. He spent his last birthday in an intensive care bed at the Italian Hospital. At that moment, the model did not stop fighting. She even had some improvements that gave some hope, but she was not enough: nor the support of his brother Ezequiel, who put his life on hold to be by his side unconditionally.; nor the communion that her friends formed, taking turns to take care of her so that she never feels alone. Even so, she left surrounded by what was most important: love.

Silvina Luna enjoyed traveling and embraced nature

Silvina always pursued love. She told it herself in her autobiographical book, before leaving. The warning came when she was 20 years old and she went to live in Miami with some friends to try her luck. book with photos in hand, he worked a few hours and the rest enjoyed the beach, waiting for a good job opportunity. It was all fun until her ex-boyfriend couldn’t stand the distance and he went to look for her to ask her to return to Buenos Aires. “Mom model activated, partner dependency, that of seeing man as the savior, the person who could contain me emotionally and I decided to return,” he admitted about that time.

“Simple and conscious”, the philosophy of life that she adopted and that led her to write a book to help other people

“I see myself in that scene. The one who leaves everything for love. “Was that my real dream?” He wrote and reflected: “This mechanism would become present later, in other courtships. I stopped prioritizing myself by following them, leaving dreams behind, job, home. When I arrived in Buenos Aires, Juan Pablo was with another. Colorin Colorado”. After that setback, she presented his photos to the agency. Ricardo Pineiro and a friend dragged her to the casting Big Brotherwithout imagining that there would be a new radical change in his life.

In the interviews to enter the program “they asked me if I was willing to leave everything and lock myself in a house with strangers. That question came from the past, because I had already asked it, that’s why I said ‘Yes’. What did I have to lose? The boarding room? I was expecting a confinement, without paying rent and with guaranteed meals. Plan B activated”, he said.

Silvina Luna’s particular dance in Big Brother that went viral before TikTok challenges existed

His time on the program was a revolution and he reached the final. She didn’t win the main prize, but for everyone, she was the big winner. The girls imitated her steps to the rhythm of A dance move, crouched touching their bellies; The women empathized with her because of the way she took the changes in her body with grace, taking into account that she was a model and worked with her image. The camera loved her and soon job offers poured in. He never stopped working, nor to receive affection.

Silvina Luna and her stainless smile (Instagram)

Perhaps not even in his most ambitious dreams could he have imagined such an emotional farewell to this plane. Because there is no doubt that an entire country mourned her.. Those who followed his first steps in the reality and they fell in love with his smile and mischief. Or those who later discovered her as an actress, or dancing on the dance floor. Showmatch. Or those who were moved by her crusade during her illness and organized prayer chains, vigils in front of the medical institution where she was hospitalized or shared her photos on social networks to send her light.

Silvina finally found what she was looking for: love. And it became unforgettable, like those figures in the show who, when remembered, draw a smile.

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