Colombia | National Government @MintrabajoCol @MinAgriculture and Government of Cesar Sign Historic Pact to Transform the Mining Corridor into a ‘Corridor of Life’

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In a significant step towards economic diversification and sustainability, on June 6, the signing of an important pact will take place between the National Government and the Government of Cesar for the creation of the ‘Corridor of Life’. This transformative project seeks to reorient the region’s economy, which has historically been dependent on mining, towards a more sustainable and diversified agricultural base.

The initiative is led by the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Agriculture, who have been working together to establish a progressive intervention plan in the municipalities of Agustín Codazzi, Becerril, Chiriguaná, El Paso and La Jagua de Ibirico. The governor of Cesar, Elvia Milena Sanjuán, confirmed the signing of the pact and stressed the importance of this transformation for the region.

“The President of the Republic has clearly said that it is necessary to move from mining to agriculture. We responded to this call and, at a technical table, we defined the signing of the pact for June 6. This will represent a productive transformation for the Corridor of Life, with large investments and the participation of several ministries that will provide resources to boost the economy of this former mining corridor,” said Sanjuán.

The Minister of Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez Ríos, also expressed her support for this initiative and highlighted the potential of labor reconversion that will allow the creation of approximately 100 thousand new jobs. “Labor reconversion is essential for productive diversification in the context of decarbonization and mining reconversion,” said Ramírez Ríos.

The pact also includes key commitments between the Government of Cesar and the National Government, focused on agricultural development as an engine of economic growth and a generator of employment. Furthermore, the need to ensure access to and protection of water is highlighted, considering it fundamental for the human, social, productive and economic development of the region.

This signature marks a milestone in the history of Cesar, guiding the region towards a more sustainable and diversified future, with the aim of improving the quality of life of its inhabitants and guaranteeing inclusive and sustainable economic development.

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Carlos Castaneda

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