Prosecutor’s Office investigates complaint against Sneyder Pinilla and several relatives for illicit enrichment

Prosecutor’s Office investigates complaint against Sneyder Pinilla and several relatives for illicit enrichment
Prosecutor’s Office investigates complaint against Sneyder Pinilla and several relatives for illicit enrichment

The legal situation of Sneyder Pinilla is complicated, after learning of a complaint against him that allegedly linked to a series of maneuvers to hide money from corruption while he served as mayor of Sabana de Torres, Santander, and on the occasion of his performance as deputy director of the Risk Management Unit during the government of President Gustavo Petro.

Blu Radio had access to the complaint, filed in the office of Attorney General Luz Adriana Camargo and before the 79th anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office, filed by Deiver Parra Rondón, who presents himself as political liaison of Human Colombia in Sabana de Torres. This not only implicates Pinilla, but also several members of his family, whom he accuses of being the alleged front men of assets supposedly acquired with money from corruption.

In the document, the complainant not only remembers that he had informed the Presidency of the Republic about Pinilla’s possible acts of corruption, but also tells the Prosecutor’s Office that “it would not be healthy” that he be granted total immunity, like the one he is requesting in exchange for testifying against senior officials of the national government and against congressmen, because, as he said, “apparently he does not want to tell the whole truth to the Prosecutor’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office and the Comptroller’s Office to “so that all the public resources that he has been obtaining through possible illicit enrichment can be recovered.”

Document mentions behavior of Sneyder Pinilla’s relatives

In it 12-page document mentions alleged conduct of Sneyder Pinilla’s family unit related to illicit enrichment and simulation of contracts.

The following names appear in the document: Sneyder Pinilla, César Augusto Pinilla, Duván Alexis Nieto, Jaime Nieto Gómez, Ana María Martínez, Luz Marina Galvis de Martínez, Miguel Armando Martínez Rivera, Lina Marcela Acelas, Hernando Jaimes Buitrago; Each of them, according to the complainant, would have participated in the concealment of properties financed with money irregularly diverted from state contracts.

The document mentions Víctor Alfonso Camargo, sole notary of Sabana de Torres, who supposedly would have been key as a facilitator of the legalization of properties. He says verbatim about Camargo’s alleged role that he was “legalize some properties that were in possession of other people, who, apparently, through deception made them to later place said properties in the name of some close friends of them”.

Sneyder Pinilla

Photo: supplied

Also mentioned is César Augusto Pinilla, father of Sneyder Pinilla, who would be one of the people who would have received the most properties. “Through the Real Estate Registration Folio No. 303-3983 of the ORIP of Barrancabermeja, it can be verified that, on September 20, 2021, Mr. César Augusto acquired a property in the municipality of Sabana de Torres, which has more than 26 hectares of African palm have been cultivated, which is valued at more than one billion pesos. However, the folio only shows the purchase worth three hundred and fifty million pesos.”

According to the complaint, the striking thing about that first property is that months It was later sold to the company EKOBLOQ SAS, whose legal representative is Marina Galvis de Martínez, mother of Ana María Martínez, current wife of Sneyder Pinilla.

The name of Miguel Armando Martínez, father of Sneyder Pinilla’s wife, appears in the complaint, who has 15 properties in his name, including apartments, lots and farms in Socorro, Barrancabermeja and Bucaramanga. On the other hand, Duván Alexis Nieto, cousin of Sneyder Pinilla is also mentioned for obtaining several assets “overnight”, in addition to creating a commercial company where yellow machinery was kept, apparently from the UNGRD. “I created a commercial company called SERVITECA 815 CAR WASH, which is located next to the house of his cousin Sneyder Pinilla’s parents, exactly on Carrera 19 # 14-48 Barrio Argelia in Sabana de Torres.”

Others allegedly involved in this ‘network of front men’ would be Jaime Nieto Garzón, uncle of Sneyder Pinilla, who would have acquired a farm with hectares of palm in Sabana de Torres; Ana María Martínez, wife of Sneyder Pinilla, with four properties; Lina Marcela Lucumí, who, according to the document, “would also have taken advantage of public money”; and Hernando Jaimes Buitrago, Sneyder Pinilla’s uncle, who “appeared with yellow machinery.”

In addition, the complainant reveals the name of the current mayor of Sabana de Torres, Dario Buchenicow Caballero Chiquillo. The complaint questions how the then candidate, in the middle of the election campaign, remodeled his mansion., taking into account the costs that a campaign represents. In addition, the links between Caballero and the Pinilla family are cited.

It must be said that the complainant mentions, among other things, the irregularities of at least three contracts during the time when Sneyder Pinilla was mayor of Sabana de Torres, Santander (2016-2019). The complainant asks all authorities to guarantee his safety, since he fears reprisals for the aforementioned events.

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