Argentine psychologists will be able to homologate their degrees in Spain | After a bilateral agreement

Argentine psychologists will be able to homologate their degrees in Spain | After a bilateral agreement
Argentine psychologists will be able to homologate their degrees in Spain | After a bilateral agreement

An agreement between Argentina and Spain will allow the psychologists local homologate your degrees automatically in Spain, facilitating professional practice in the European country. This resolution will allow Argentine therapists who reside in Spain and until now had to face long and cumbersome procedures to validate their titles.

The Secretary of Education of the Nation announced the measure that directly impacts psychology professionals living in Spain. With this new provision, the Bachelor’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology issued by Argentine universities They will receive a favorable opinion for their approval.

On May 10 of this year, the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) of Spain made the provision official. It specifies that applications for homologation to the official Spanish title of Master in General Health Psychologist, coming from Argentine universities, will be informed favorably. This decision is based on a detailed comparison between the academic standards of both countries, demonstrating that the training is equivalent in terms of workload, skills, health content and external academic practices.

The National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU) of Argentina plays a fundamental role in this process since it is responsible for evaluating the standards corresponding to professions regulated by the State, whose practice can compromise the public interest, as established in Article 43 of Law 24,521. These standards, recognized internationally, ensure that accredited programs in Argentina maintain a comparable level with those of other universities in the world.

According to ANECA, “it is ultimately about transferring to foreign degrees whose approval is requested the same verification criteria established by current regulations for degrees offered by Spanish universities that give access to regulated professions.” This approach ensures that psychologists trained in Argentina can practice in Spain under the same conditions as their Spanish peers.

The Undersecretary of University Policies of the Ministry of Education (SSPU) was in charge of reviewing more than 160 files from different study plans from Argentine universities, which allowed authorities to identify coincidences and equivalences between the regulations of both countries, a crucial task to reach this agreement.

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