They clarify that the modifications for the supply of energy to electro-dependent users do not affect Santa Fe

They clarify that the modifications for the supply of energy to electro-dependent users do not affect Santa Fe
They clarify that the modifications for the supply of energy to electro-dependent users do not affect Santa Fe

This was reported by the president and founder of the Emperor Foundation, Fabian Fioriin dialogue with the program Things happen of AIR.

“We receive inquiries every day. When I started reading the Official Gazette I thought it was the worst horror movie that could happen. We asked for an emergency meeting at the Ombudsman’s Office, I spoke with officials from EPE and the Ministry of Health of Santa Faith and Nation,” he said about it.

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And he clarified: “This regulation affects only Edenor and Edesur, and is a regulation of the Energy Regulatory Entity. We are safe inside the Santa Fe boot“.


Fiori indicated that in the province of Santa Fe there are about “1,500 families” registered with electrodependent users and highlighted: “The new Government management and the Ombudsman’s Office told us to stay calm, that whatever happens at the national level, the families are going to be protected.”

What is electrodependence

“Electrodependency, by definition, is needing electrical energy to be able to live,” Fiori explained and expanded: “It is when a patient is in its acute stage in a public or private facility, depending on certain devices, but there comes a time when that medicine cannot do anything else and these devices must be adapted to their daily lives. So, since 1996, home confinement was implemented and that patient is transferred to his home.

Along these lines, he maintained: “Dr. Cappiello said that we gave a benefit to the family, but we had the limitation of electrical energy. As science advances, these patients were able to feed themselves through electric pumps, they were able to ventilate themselves through non-invasive ventilation; then the life expectancy and quality of these patients increased, but it makes them dependent on electrical energy.

What were the changes that Enre implemented for Edenor and Edesur

According to a Government resolution, distribution companies have a longer period to respond to complaints about lack of electricity. Now, there is a tolerance of up to two business days from the claim.

There are also changes in the sanctions for non-compliance: companies must now pay the user a fine in pesos equivalent to 2,000 wWh “for each business day of delay” valued according to the current average rate.

In a second resolution, three others that were intended to ensure the visibility of households with electrodependents before Enre are repealed. Meanwhile, distributors will have a maximum of 30 business days to adapt and arrange the connection to an Alternative Energy Source.

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