With more than 4,000 applications, Digicampus closed its call

Digicampus finalized the call so that thousands of young people can access higher education.

The More than 4,000 applicants had the opportunity to choose one of the 57 programs offered by 8 universities in the region.

Read also: Google opens the doors to 10,000 scholarships in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence!

For her part, María Alejandra Yepes, applying for Digicampus scholarships, stated:

“The platform was very affordable, when I realized I was able to enroll, I chose the Environmental Engineering program with the Autonomous University, I think the university was very diligent because it was the one that called first.”

In the same way, Camilo Avendaño, who is also applying for the scholarships offered by Digicampus, expressed that his motivation is totally personal, “since “I want to be able to take that step forward in professional matters.” and adding that so far “it is going very well” with its objective.

Likewise, Laura Marín candidate said:

“I saw the career and the opportunity to study Environmental Engineering, so that was what mainly motivated me, I always wanted to study engineering.”

With 11 undergraduate programs, the Autonomous University of the West had more than 1,700 enrolled.

“It is an opportunity for people to train and achieve that professional identity despite the distance; contributing to the constructive transformation of their own municipalities and regions.”

Germán Gallego, Academic Vice-Rector of the Autonomous University of the West

According to the admission process schedule, On June 19, the list of beneficiaries will be published.

“Take advantage of the discounts and financing opportunities that universities will provide so that we do not miss this unique opportunity to be linked to this training process in the departmental context.”

Germán Gallego, Academic Vice-Rector of the Autonomous University of the West

Digicampus with its model hybrid education seeks to reach the most remote areas of the department of Valle del Cauca and the region with the highest standards in education.

What educational institutions participate in Digicampus?

  • Autonomous university of Occident.
  • Cooperative University of colombia.
  • Sign.
  • Antonio José Camacho University.
  • Quindio’s University.
  • One minute.
  • National Open and Distance University-UNAD.
  • Santiago de Cali University.

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