The shocking close-up video of the arrest of the Polish influencer who scaled the tower in Puerto Madero

The shocking close-up video of the arrest of the Polish influencer who scaled the tower in Puerto Madero
The shocking close-up video of the arrest of the Polish influencer who scaled the tower in Puerto Madero

The special group of firefighters who arrested Marcin Banot filmed what the operation was like in close-up.

June 12, 2024, 09:49 a.m.

The Polish climber was detained by a special group of firefighters. (Photo: video capture).

The special group of firefighters filmed the arrest of Marcin Banot, the Polish influencer who climbed to the 20th floor of a building in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Puerto Madero.

The video filmed by the Special Rescue Group (GER) shows from the moment the agents began to climb the building from the inside and They reached the roof to begin the operation.

Read also: Video: this is how the Polish influencer climbed one of the tallest buildings in Puerto Madero

Once they put on their harnesses, three firefighters began to cautiously descend the walls of the renowned building. until they approached the position of the Polish climber.

The image shows the exact moment in which one of the rescuers reached Banot and approached to restrain him. At that moment the influencer clarified by shouting: “I’m fine, I’m fine.”

It was in a matter of seconds that the agent was able to pin the climber against the wall of the building and notify his colleagues. “I grabbed it!”, he shouted upwards to confirm that the maneuver had been successful.

Who is the Polish citizen who climbed a building in Puerto Madero. (Photo Nicolas Gonzalez)

Once they had him immobilized, they asked him in English if he was in good condition, to which the foreigner who had managed to climb 20 floors from the outside responded: “Yes, I’m a little nervous, it scares me.”

After the response, the agents began the final stage of the rescue, which consisted of safely uploading the influencer. First they pushed him against the wall so they could tie him with a harness, and then they began to climb.

“There is no operator hanging, the maneuver is completed,” said the man who was in charge of the special operation in Puerto Madero.

Read also: Who is the Polish citizen who climbed a building in Puerto Madero

In the intervention, members of the City Police, the Fire Department, the Special Federal Rescue Brigade (BEFER) and SAME personnel participated, who managed to catch and detain the content creator, identified as Marcin Banot.

The Head of the City Government, Jorge Macri, highlighted the work of the forces that participated in the rescue and confirmed: “The climber is already detained and we will ask the Court to order him to pay for the entire operation. Neighbors do not have to bear the cost of their recklessness”.

According to police sources, Banot had already tried to climb the same building this June 6, although the Justice did not intervene on that occasion since it considered that it was not criminal conduct.

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