Cogrid by frontal system: Deployment of Armed Forces announced to support work due to rains in Maule

This Wednesday, the Minister of Defense, Maya Fernandezheaded the Disaster Risk Management Committee (Cogrid) in the Maule Regionto coordinate the deployment of the Armed Forces and the preventive work of each team in the context of the intense rainfall that has affected the area.

“As stated by the Ministry of the Interior, A preventive emergency has been declared between the Region of Coquimbo and ÑubleTherefore, it is important to say that this allows you to take certain measures at work not only in the rains, but preventive,” the minister began by saying after the meeting.

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In that sense, Fernández called on the population to avoid the coastal edge of the areadue to the wind and swells present in the area.

“From a defense point of view, At this moment there are two UFEC (Fundamental Emergency and Disaster Unit) with 83 men, each one ready to be deployedIn addition, there is a Mountain Rescue patrol, specialized as it is very important,” he indicated.

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“So that what happened last year does not happen, A UFEC mission is already deployed in Licantén“said the head of Defense, stating that this team has various equipment to carry out rescues both by land and air.

In the instance, the Secretary of State referred to the power outages in the region, which have affected more than 50 thousand customers. Thus, he explained that these “have to do with the wind, that is the different characteristic, because it is not only rain but the wind that has affected and the fall of the trees, they told us that it has obviously affected some sectors that are without electricity . Measures are being taken, that is why removing the trees, the companies, the coordination, Seremi made us aware of that.”

Finally, Minister Fernández anticipated that there will be a night monitoring. “Permanent monitoring is important (…) tomorrow we will also be here in the national Cogrid having more information on what happens at night,” he concluded.

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