AMEXME Business Directory; How will it work and how to sign up? – The Sun of San Luis

AMEXME Business Directory; How will it work and how to sign up? – The Sun of San Luis
AMEXME Business Directory; How will it work and how to sign up? – The Sun of San Luis

The Mexican Association of Business Women (AMEXME) will have a directory for promote the businesses of its affiliates throughout the countryreported Ana Gabriela Brugal Gómez, national director of Business Liaison at AMEXME.

After assuming the position as National Director of Business Liaison at AMEXME, Brugal Gómez reported that A platform is now ready that will serve to promote the businesses of affiliates“it took us three or four months to put together the entire platform.”

He explained that Through this directory, AMEXME affiliates will be able to present their businesses “nationally and internationally” to offer their products or services.

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This way, if someone is, for example, in San Luis Potosí and looking for a travel agency, they can enter the platform and search for that line of business among AMEXME affiliates.

He stated that although in previous years not all the affiliates had been able to meet each other, now, Through this platform they will be able to interact and do business with each other. to encourage each other, “from now on we are taking on the task of promoting all businesses.”

He advanced that The vice president of Business of the AMEXME San Luis Chapter will be in charge of collecting information from the entity’s affiliates to upload their data to the platformso “whoever does not do business is because they did not raise their hand or did not join the platform.”

Finally, Brugal Gómez invited to participate in the national Congress of AMEXMEthe same thing he said, is the greatest showcase for businesswomen to exhibit and do business.

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