Bucaramanga tops the list of deaths from dengue in Santander

The number of confirmed fatalities during 2024 in Santander due to dengue rose to 12. More than 16,000 people have been affected. The Departmental Government launched a warning call.

More than 6,000 citizens in Santander have had to be hospitalized during 2024 due to health complications generated by dengue. (Photos: Archive / VANGUARDIA)

41% of confirmed dengue deaths in Santander were registered in Bucaramanga. The Santander capital heads the list of municipalities with the highest number of fatalities in the department.

This is stated in the most recent official report published by the Government of Santander, after the Departmental Disaster Risk Management Council held this week.

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In addition to specifying the negative impacts that this mosquito-transmitted disease has so far left, the authorities also launched a warning call to the competent entities in each municipality with the purpose of strengthening care, prevention and medical attention related to dengue. .

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This is how the 12 deaths are distributed

Between January and June 1, 12 citizens were confirmed to have died due to dengue in Santander.

The municipalities that reported these fatalities were: Bucaramanga (5 victims), Floridablanca (2), Piedecuesta (1), El Playón (1), Sabana de Torres (1), San Gil (1) and Güepsa (1).

In addition to these 12 confirmed cases, health authorities currently have another nine deaths under study with the aim of confirming or ruling out whether it was dengue or another disease.

In recent days, the Secretary of Health of Santander, Edwin Antonio Prada Ramírez, led a working group “aimed at intensifying measures for the promotion, prevention and control of dengue, as well as strengthening care for those affected.”

Insurance entities, health-providing institutions and territorial authorities were part of this meeting that took place. The call is to optimize response times and multiply preventive actions with communities.


Pay attention to the symptoms, go to the doctor

As of June 1, in 2024, 16,356 cases of people infected with dengue have been officially registered in Santander territory.

In order, Bucaramanga, Barrancabermeja, Floridablanca, Girón, Piedecuesta, San Gil, Málaga, Cimitarra and Lebrija are the towns that register the highest number of infections.

“Important: if you have a fever for 2 to 7 days, and at least two of the following symptoms (headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle pain, joint pain or inflammation of the skin) consult your doctor as it may be dengue,” warned the Government of Santander.

Another important warning issued by health experts is for patients not to self-medicate. As indicated by the authorities, in several of these confirmed dengue deaths, citizens self-medicated, instead of going to the doctor for specific treatment of their conditions.

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