The province of Córdoba reduces the consumption of benzodiazepines by 4.1% in one year

The province of Córdoba reduces the consumption of benzodiazepines by 4.1% in one year
The province of Córdoba reduces the consumption of benzodiazepines by 4.1% in one year


The province of Córdoba has managed to reduce the consumption of benzodiazepines by 4.1% during the last 12 months, between April of last year 2023 and the same month of this year 2024, as highlighted by the Delegation of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Board of Andalusia in Córdoba.

This has been achieved, as reported by the autonomous Administration in a note, as a result of the ‘BenzoStopJuntos’ campaign, launched by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, and which has contributed to raising awareness about the proper use and risks of these drugs. , whose consumption has decreased in Andalusia, during the same period, by 3.4%.

Currently, more than one million Andalusians consume benzodiazepines, that is, one in ten people in Andalusia is a chronic consumer of these drugs, with half being over 65 years of age and seven out of ten women. Thus, the percentage decrease achieved would mean that in Andalusia around 64,017 users have stopped using them and in Córdoba 4,366 people.

It should be noted that eight out of ten people who try to stop taking these drugs succeed, with greater or lesser difficulty. The use of benzodiazepines is only indicated in anxiety attacks when symptom control is necessary, or in cases of severe insomnia, only if it interferes with daily life.

Even so, their use should not extend more than two to four weeks, since it has been shown that these medications are only useful for a certain time and that, once elapsed, they stop producing the desired effect, and produce risks associated with their consumption. and increases the risk of accidents, falls and cognitive decline. Furthermore, they produce tolerance and dependence, so their benefit/risk balance in the medium and long term is unfavorable.


The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, and the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), with the collaboration of the Andalusian School of Public Health, launched the ‘BenzoStopJuntos: Living without Tranquilizers is Possible’ program in 2022, an initiative that aims to The main objective is to raise awareness among the population that chronically consumes benzodiazepines for problems for which they are not really indicated, such as mild and occasional anxiety or occasional insomnia. The most commonly consumed drugs are lorazepam, lormetazepam, bromazepam, alprazolam or zolpidem.

‘BenzoStopJuntos is also developed in collaboration with the Andalusian Council of Official Associations of Pharmacists (CACOF), and has the support of scientific societies, councils of professional associations, as well as the direct involvement of Primary Care and Hospital professionals, and community pharmacies, in order to improve knowledge about benzodiazepines and their alternatives, promote their proper use and reduce the risks derived from their continued consumption.


The program consists of professionals offering patients information and educational material in consultations and community pharmacy offices. This material, which is available on the website ‘’, is a local adaptation of another existing one in the field of health in Canada, and has been endorsed by 25 entities.

Specifically, it provides information about benzodiazepines and the risks of their continued use, healthy alternatives with which to combat the stress of daily life without resorting to drugs (relaxation techniques, breathing and self-control, changing habits and exercises), and how Proceed to quit with the help of professionals.

In addition, it includes a self-test to measure the degree of dependence on these drugs, as well as a directory of self-help guides for depression and anxiety disorders from the Andalusian Health Service and a suggested cessation guideline.


The campaign has the support of the Andalusian Association of Mental Health professionals (AEN), the Federation of Associations of Bank, Savings and Insurance Users of Andalusia (Adicae), the Spanish Association of Mental Health Nursing (Aeesme), the Andalusian Association of Community Nursing (Asanec), the Spanish Association of Social Work and Health, the Colleges of Psychology of Western and Eastern Andalusia, the Andalusian Council of Official Colleges of Nursing (CACE), the Andalusian Council of Medical Colleges, the Council Andalusian Association of Official Pharmacists (Cacof), the General Directorate of Consumer Affairs (Consumo Responde), and the School of Patients, Strategy for Patient Safety, FACUA Andalucía.

The campaign is also supported by the Pharmaceutical Care Foundation, the Andalusian Society of Healthcare Quality (Sadeca), the Andalusian Society of Primary Care Pharmacists (Safap), the Andalusian Society of Family and Community Medicine (SAMFyC), the Spanish Society of Clinical Pharmacy, Family and Community (Sefac), the Society of Specialists in Clinical Psychology of the SSPA, the Society of Primary Care Pharmacists (Sefap), the Andalusian Society of Primary Care Physicians, the Andalusian Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), the Andalusian Society of Psychiatry (Sapsiq), and the Comprehensive Mental Health Plan of Andalusia (Pisma).

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