VICTIMS OF THE FRANQUISM | The Memory Forum calls for a provincial center for taking genetic samples

VICTIMS OF THE FRANQUISM | The Memory Forum calls for a provincial center for taking genetic samples
VICTIMS OF THE FRANQUISM | The Memory Forum calls for a provincial center for taking genetic samples

The Forum for the Memory of Córdoba calls for a provincial center for taking genetic samplesCORDOVA

The Forum for the Memory of Córdoba demands acenter provincial for the DNA sampling to the relatives of the victims of Franco’s regime. The president of this group, Luis Naranjo, accompanied by the vice spokesperson of the municipal group Hacemos Córdoba, Irene Ruiz, This Monday in Córdoba, they denounced the lack of information about the samples taken in 2019 and have demanded more support from the City Council for these people, since they consider the actions undertaken so far to be “minimal” and “merely propaganda.”

Luis Naranjo has reported that since 2019 they have taken 209 DNA samples of which 42 have been to sons and daughters of victims still alive; 83 “no direct relationship of any kind”; seven have not obtained a genetic profile; In 35 cases “there is a very distant relationship with the victims” and that 125 have not been valid. Thus, according to the data that Naranjo manages, “only the 1% of the group of victims corresponds to sons and daughters that can provide a key filial relationship”.

Added to this, according to the spokesperson for the Andalusian memorial assembly, is that these relatives They have not received any information on said samples. For this reason, after the announcement of a new DNA sample, the groups assure that they are receiving a large number of queries about whether they have to repeat the samples, as they do not know what state they are in. We also point out that they have not received any information in this regard.

That is why they demand from the City Council and the Board that in a province “where 4,000 murdered men and women are expected” to believe in a provincial genetic testing center in order to “avoid the current administrative dilemma” that they consider there is when comparing all the samples from the community in Granada.

Support office “without task”

As for the victim assistance office, Naranjo denounces that it has been launched after having completed the exhumations in the San Rafael Cemetery, “without any result,” he emphasizes. In his opinion, “all the relatives who have an ancestor in that cemetery have not had any type of support, information or support” during the process, which “seems like a violation of the rights of family members“.

Naranjo also criticizes that this space “is an empty shell, It has no purpose“and Ruiz who doesn’t have it”virtuality” nor has it served as support to the victims. In this sense, Luis Naranjo has once again compared the work being carried out in Córdoba with the work undertaken in Reja Peak (Seville), demanding a similar model, considering that “the model that is being created here fails to comply with all types of rights of victims and family members.”

In this sense, Naranjo misses a planning focused on citizens and educational centers check out the work that are being carried out in the graves and learn “what was a genocide in the city of Córdoba. As for the memorial groups, he assures that they are “stone guests” and that there are no citizen participation initiatives in the office to involve them in the action.

“Bottom line” actions

Irene Ruiz, on the other hand, has pointed out that PP in recent times “is wanting to whiten its image by carrying out some actions, apparently, to support the Democratic Memory and the victims of Franco’s regime.” However, Hacemos Córdoba values ​​these actions as “strictly minimum” to comply with legal obligations by legal regulations and by the agreement signed between Provincial Council, City Council and Junta of Andalusia.

However, Naranjo, who considers the actions undertaken as “propagandistic”, accuses the Consistory, directly, of failing to comply with the state and Andalusian law of Democratic Memory, considering that they do not inform the Memory Prosecutor’s Office, as owners of the land. , knowledge of “crimes against humanity.” “The City Council is preventing judges from intervening, “is preventing judicial custody of the cadaveric remains, which is essential,” adds the spokesperson for the assembly that makes up 9 memorial groups in the province.

Nine months of exhumations

Naranjo has also criticized the pace of the exhumations, which have already been closed in San Rafael and will stop in the summer in La Salud. He has explained that “we have been 9 months out of 24” that establishes the agreement and that until now have been exhumed among 60 and 80 retaliated in a total of 4,000, that is, a 2% of those possibly retaliated against. Along these lines, it is estimated that at the end of the agreement less than 20% of the remains will be reached, which is why they urge the preparation of a new agreement. “We find ourselves before the last chance“of the relatives, warns the president of the Memory Forum.

They classify all of this as “abandonment” and “lack of respect” to the victims’ families.

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