Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospital carries out a fun intervention to raise awareness about schizophrenia – Radio Festival

Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospital carries out a fun intervention to raise awareness about schizophrenia – Radio Festival
Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospital carries out a fun intervention to raise awareness about schizophrenia – Radio Festival

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that is characterized by perceiving reality differently, which results in behavioral changes in those who suffer from it. This includes hallucinations, hostility and irritability, excitement, delusions, social withdrawal or isolation, conceptual disorganization and anxiety among others.

To debunk some myths and stigmas of people who suffer from schizophrenia, the Mental Health Unit of the Dr. Gustavo Fricke SSVQP Hospital, carried out a dissemination intervention in the establishment. The activity included games, prizes and the distribution of information brochures. This is how psychiatrist Maximiliano Abarca explained it.

“The idea is to dedicate a day to raise awareness among the population and psycho-educate, since it is a disease about which there are many myths in the population. So the idea is that they come here and can learn a little about what this condition consists of and debunk some of these myths, such as that the disease is always serious, or that these people can be aggressive, which is another myth. which is not like that either. Also to try to reduce the stigma when reintegrating into society, finding a job, for example, a partner, etc. So, that is one of the main objectives of the stand here.”

Carolina Guerrero, nurse at the Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospitalwas one of the officials who came to receive guidance and indicated that “It is a good way to reach people, hopefully people will come closer, participate in a more playful, more entertaining way about schizophrenia, which is a complex disease, but one that can be treated and can give a good quality of life.” to user. “It can be treated and gives a better quality of life.”

Orlando Toledo, is another of the people who participated and emphasized the dissemination work as something necessary. “It seems super necessary to me as it is mainly focused on reducing the stigma and self-stigma of people with schizophrenia. I think it is important to make both patients and officials aware that they have this, I repeat, this same stigma of patients with serious mental health pathologies.”

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