Díaz-Canel evaluates challenges of banking operations in Cuba • Workers

Díaz-Canel evaluates challenges of banking operations in Cuba • Workers
Díaz-Canel evaluates challenges of banking operations in Cuba • Workers

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, recognized the progress that exists today in the implementation of the process of banking operations, although he pointed out that the actions carried out are insufficient.

Photo: PL

When speaking in the space From the Presidency, broadcast on the digital platform YouTube, the president commented that during his tours through the provinces he could see that the population is now more familiar with the issue, however, there are limitations that hinder the development of the process. In its whole.

Díaz-Canel insisted on the strategic importance of carrying out bankization, for which, he noted, an action plan has been designed that “includes severe control actions to, in the shortest possible time, correct the distortions that exist.”

“Banking is not the cause of these problems, the cause is not having adequately controlled it,” he said.

The head of state emphasized that “an orderly, well-controlled bankization process, which responds to the purposes of its design, should lead, first of all, to solving problems of cash availability and would help eradicate tax evasion.”

At the time, the president of the Central Bank of Cuba, Juana Lilia Delgado, stressed that bankization plays an essential role in achieving more efficient money management, since “it helps create a credit history in the case of people who “They access banking products and are interested in obtaining credit.”

Likewise, he highlighted that this process promotes savings and constitutes an important mechanism to support the development of the economy, and reduce the use of cash.

Meanwhile, the vice president of the Bank, Alberto Quiñones, delved into the problems that have arisen in the implementation of banking and the main dissatisfactions of citizens.

According to the bank, no business in the Caribbean nation can claim the right not to accept payment by the means that the client decides, and also to do so taking into account everything established.

Quiñones explained that in some territories “graduality was not achieved in the application of the measures and certain processes were accelerated that not only depended on the will to do so, but also on prior financial training and education, which was not always complied with.” .

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