The Córdoba footballer who insulted the Catalans after promotion apologizes: “I regret it” – Tiempo de Juego

The Córdoba footballer who insulted the Catalans after promotion apologizes: “I regret it” – Tiempo de Juego
The Córdoba footballer who insulted the Catalans after promotion apologizes: “I regret it” – Tiempo de Juego

The Córdoba player José Manuel Calderón has apologized for the insulting comments he made towards the Catalans during the celebration of his team’s promotion to the Second Division, statements that he admitted he made “in the midst of euphoria”which were “inappropriate“and he regrets”deeply“.

The Córdoba left back made those hurtful comments towards the Catalans through a live stream on Instagram. Before starting this Monday the parade that took the team throughout the city, he broadcast a live video from inside the open-top bus that took them to the Nuevo Arcángel stadium and said: “I shit on the dead of all Catalans“.

Córdoba players travel through the streets of the city in an open-top bus to celebrate promotion to the Second Division. EFE

Shortly after, Calderón, born 24 years ago in Paradas (Seville), already uploaded a ‘story’ to his profile on that same social network in which he apologized with a brief statement published before the team’s arrival at the central Plaza de Las Tendillas, center of the Córdoba celebrations.

Statement from the player in which he apologizes “deeply”

That message read as follows: “I apologize to all the people of Barcelona and all Catalans for my actions in the live broadcast this afternoon“.

Hours later, the Córdoba player issued a statement again, more extensive and through the same social network, in which he explained what happened, acknowledged his mistake and reiterated his apologies to the Catalans.

During the celebration for the promotion of Córdoba, in the midst of the euphoria and emotion of the moment, I made some comments that I had not intended to make. I want to sincerely apologize to all those who may have felt offended by my words. I acknowledge that my comments were inappropriate and I deeply regret any misunderstanding.“he indicated.

In this writing, Calderón also added that he wants “to make clear“that respects”to everyone.” “My words do not reflect my true values. I will continue to strive to represent the club with the respect and dignity that we all deserve.“he asserted.


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