Health urges to maintain healthy habits and prevent diseases in the winter season

Health urges to maintain healthy habits and prevent diseases in the winter season
Health urges to maintain healthy habits and prevent diseases in the winter season

In this time of the year people are more likely to suffer respiratory diseases, gain weight and even suffer from stress and mental health problems. For this reason, the Ministry of Health of Entre Ríos recommends adopting some advice aimed at prevention.

According to data from the National Epidemiological Bulletin, during the Pandemic, flu cases (influenza) decreased from more than 900 thousand to 326 thousand. This means that “the cold alone does not make you sick” as the specialists point out, although they clarify that what happens is that With low temperatures, the ventilation of the places decreases and that is when the microorganisms concentrate in the air..

Although viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory diseases circulate more frequently in winter, The infection rate increases by staying and sharing closed and poorly ventilated environments.

Hence the first recommendation is maintain spaces with adequate ventilationand reinforce hygiene habitssince the viruses that cause colds and flu are transmitted easily from one person to another, whether by shaking hands, grabbing the safety bars in public transport vehicles, touching the lock of a door where many people pass. people, among other places with great public access.

Simple guidelines

To avoid this type of illness, it is particularly important to increase the level of personal hygiene during the winter months, giving special importance to certain guidelines: –

Handwashing. Especially if you have been in a public place.

Cover your mouth or cover your arm when sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of germs, as well as avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose since this is how the viruses present on your hands spread.

Ventilate the home daily -at least for about 20 minutes-.

Strengthen the immune system through a varied diet and balanced that allows you to increase defenses naturally. An indication is to consume fresh fruits and vegetables regularly and incorporate vitamins A, C and D through appropriate foods – citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, etc. – since vitamin A prevents dryness of the skin and Vitamin C helps increase defenses and prevent colds.

Perform physical activity at all stages of life. This helps maintain a healthy weight and metabolic profile, improve cardiovascular and skeletal muscle health; as well as the mood. It also has the potential to provide opportunities to develop social interactions, feelings of personal satisfaction and mental well-being. Likewise, it reduces the risk of suffering from hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, deaths from heart disease and stroke, among other pathologies.

-It is also recommended avoid sudden changes in temperature, since extremes are harmful at this time of year. It must be taken into account that the temperature of the home must be around 22 degrees Celsius and it is also advisable to periodically ventilate the rooms.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Winter is the season where more fires occur in the home and poisonings due to inhalation of carbon monoxide from combustionso it is recommended do not install stoves in the bathrooms, check the exits to the outside of heaters and stoves.

All appliances must be installed by a licensed gas fitter., under certain safety regulations, to avoid the emission of gas and carbon monoxide and it is recommended to avoid the use of braziers, in addition to always guaranteeing ventilation of the environments. All gas heated spaces must have a direct exit to the street, such as a grill through which the air escapes. If you don’t have one, it is essential to leave a window open.

Mental health

For many, the cold months represent less social activity, times of stress and sadness.. In fact, some people are diagnosed with what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. That’s why, It is important to maintain a positive attitude and mental disposition. On the other hand, it is very helpful rest and sleep in an environment with adequate temperature.

The population is reminded that Entre Ríos has the official line 0800-777-2100 through which a comprehensive and integrated approach to emergencies for reasons of mental health and suicidal risk is carried out.. 24 hours a day, every day, pairs of professionals provide a careful, safe and free first listening session.

This is a strategy that was incorporated as another resource of the health network – made up of primary health care centers and hospitals –, with the general objective of offering an accessible, timely and quality response to emergencies due to mental health reasons.

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