The report on signature movements where Laura Sarabia and her brother Andrés appear that will be delivered to the authorities

H24 hours ago, Andrés Felipe Sarabia Torres appeared at the Prosecutor’s Office to request that the origin and dissemination be criminally investigated. of a chain of chats in which he is accused of paying commissions for state contracts and of incurring luxuries and even private plane trips, without apparent justification.

According to the criteria of

After admitting that third parties have approached him in an attempt to seek “state access,” denied any type of commission collection for access to official entities or privileges in the Government.

The forensic report and the family business

Andrés Sarabia, brother of Laura Sarabia, along with his lawyer Jorge Mario Gómez.

Photo:Sergio Acero/El Tiempo

“Those who have approached me with the intention of gaining state access, as has surely happened to relatives and friends of high-ranking state officials, “Not only have they been surprised by the distance that my sister’s public service has caused her from her family and social circle, but they have received from me the clear statement of not having any access to her,” the complaint reads. EL TIEMPO revealed in full.

This newspaper also established that in the midst of the investigations that it will request, together with its lawyer Jorge Mario Gómez, a forensic report is ready on all his economic movements, which seeks to disprove an alleged unusual and unjustified increase in his assets and lifestyle.

In a chain of chats that circulated in the Government, the origin of the information against him, it is indicated that he lives in a luxurious apartment in the north of Bogotá, He drives high-end cars and takes private plane trips, allegations that Andrés Sarabia denied to EL TIEMPO in the first interview he gave on the subject.

The forensic report includes a detailed study of the company Ala Consulting SAS, where it appears with Laura Sarabia, who according to official certificates to which EL TIEMPO had access for the first time, in 2023 only reported movements of 20 million pesos. And expenses, in 2024, for 683 million pesos.

This is the contract for the transfer of Laura Sarabia’s shares.


As disclosed at the beginning of the week, this firm offers national and international consulting services and was created after Laura Sarabia left. of the Petro Government, after the scandal of the theft of money from his apartment and the polygraph of his former nanny Marelbys Meza.

EL TIEMPO learned for the first time a series of documents, which are part of a forensic report, which seeks to prove that the company He did not have million-dollar contracts in either the public or private sectors.. Furthermore, Sarabia retired once he returned to the administration, at the request of President Gustavo Petro.

On August 29, 2023, Laura Sarabia transferred her participation in the firm.


The corporate movements

Andrés Sarabia, brother of Laura Sarabia, explained that this photo was taken in the apartment of an acquaintance.

Photo:Private file

The company Ala Consulting SAS, with the initials of its three founders (Andrés Sarabia, Laura Sarabia and Andrés Parra, husband of the current official) was established through a private document dated July 1, 2023.

Likewise, the authorized, subscribed and paid capital corresponds to the sum of six million pesos ($6,000,000), and the following people are also registered as legal representatives: Andrés Fernando Parra Valverde and Andrés Felipe Sarabia Torres“says the report.

And warns that “On August 29, 2023, an assignment contract was signed in which the first (Laura Sarabia) transferred the shares to the other people already mentioned, thus culminating her business relationship with Ala Consulting SAS”. The date coincides with the return of Laura Sarabia to the Government.

The figures and contracts

Laura Sarabia and her husband, Andrés Parra Laverde.

Photo:Private file

After a scan in the Secop (the official state contracting platform), the forensic report concludes: “It will be evident below that “The company Ala Consulting has no records in the SECOP, which allows us to infer that it has not entered into contracts charged to public resources.”

The same sweep was made in PACO, the technological portal that the General System of Transparency and Fight Against Corruption has: “As will be evident below, the company Ala Consulting has no records in the PACO, which allows us to infer that it has not entered into contracts charged to public resources, nor does it have a record of sanctions, reports or news about possible acts of corruption.”.

Reports to Dian

Also The reports presented to the Dian were included, which show that, for the second half of 2023, an operations report was made for twenty million pesos ($20,000,000).

Finally, from the record of operations that are before the DIAN for 2024, it only records the issuance of two electronic invoices of expenses for one hundred seventy thousand pesos ($170,000) fumigation company and five hundred thirteen thousand six hundred thirty-four pesos ($513,634)“, reads the report to which EL TIEMPO had access for the first time and which will be made available to the authorities.


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