News! Emilia Mernes and Duki, are they getting married?

The rumors that Emilia Mernes and Duki are committed grew in the last hours. Fernanda Iglesias told on Tuesday in THE M that singers get married “in winter” and that they would have already had a costume fitting for the long-awaited event.

LAM’s “enigmatic” about Emilia and Duki

With the enigmatic that characterizes THE M, Fernanda Iglesias announced that two singers plan to get married in August: “It’s a marriage, they’re both famous, a heterosexual relationship, she dances very well, but she’s not a dancer, she’s a singer and she’s a bomb.”

To which Ángel de Brito added: “He is a singer and produces music. They are young, first boiling, both very talented, Argentine, great here and abroad.”

“The ones getting married are Duki and Emilia Mernes. “This gossip comes from Madrid because he is there and it was in this same city where he tried on his suit.”reported the journalist. “The source who wrote to me, He told me it’s in winter, He didn’t tell me if it was from here or there. But it seems that they are getting married in Argentina and it is imminent”, he added.

The information that would confirm the wedding

Among the details that Fernanda revealed, she said that Duki chose the expensive brand Armani to dress it on that special date: “There is one fact that confirms everything: there was a costume test. He was measuring his suit at Armani”.

Emilia Mernes and DukThey have been a couple since 2021, when the singer made the relationship official with a post on Instagram that revolutionized social networks. The couple has since been one of the most influential in the world.

With information from Argentine News


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