One Shot can be accessed with a debit card

One Shot can be accessed with a debit card
One Shot can be accessed with a debit card

June 26, 2024 – 15:36

Governor Raúl Jalil and the Minister of Economy Alejandra Nazareno signed this morning with the president of the Banco Nación Argentina (BNA), Daniel Tillard, and the zonal manager, Sebastián Riveros, the extension of the “Days of Dream” program, which the Province maintains together with the banking entity and the representatives of the Catamarca commercial sector, the Economic Federation and the Commercial Union.

The extension is given under the same conditions in which the program has been maintained. The novelty is that, from the One Shot on the last weekend of July, beneficiaries will be able to make food purchases with Banco Nación debit cards. As is known, until now the promotion only allowed the use of credit cards.

In this regard, Governor Raúl Jalil highlighted in a press conference that “Días de Ensueño is going to include 100,000 new people who have debit cards from Banco Nación, who are now going to join and with this we are going to cover more than half of the population of the province.”

“With this, we add the beneficiaries of provincial plans such as Catamarca Includes or some municipal programs, which improves their real salary,” he added.

In turn, the president of the BNA, Daniel Tillard, expressed that “we are reaffirming the federal vocation of the BNA with all the provinces, but especially where we are Financial Agent, in Catamarca, where the bank has a current loan portfolio of more than $40,000 million, of which just over $20,000 million correspond to families and the rest to MSMEs in the region.”

“Today, we renew ‘Días de Ensueño’ and ‘One Shot’, promotions with extraordinary power and that have enormous growth every month. We are also going to be the main sponsor of the ‘National Poncho Festival’ to accompany you in this event of such regional and national importance. We also have a line for MSMEs with very convenient conditions: loans that start from a rate of 21% on investment loans and have an additional bonus of 2 points,” Tillard concluded.

In the same sense, Minister Alejandra Nazareno remarked that “we are including people who previously could not access this benefit since, although they have debit cards, they are not always eligible for credit, which is why they could not access it before.” Currently, some 150,000 Catamarca residents use the program, so by incorporating 100,000 new beneficiaries, it will reach a number that easily exceeds half of the province’s population, estimated at 429,500 inhabitants, according to the recent Census.

For July and beyond

A point that needs to be clarified is that the use of debit cards will not be valid in the special One Shot action that will begin tomorrow and end on Saturday, but rather the system will enable users of these cards to purchase food from the last weekend. of July week.

Likewise, Nazareno clarified that taking advantage of the visit of the president of Banco Nación Argentina and his cabinet, the Government, the bank and the representatives of the FEC and the UC will open a dialogue process to agree on new conditions that will govern the Dream Days program. starting August 1st.

“We want to rearrange the promotion for the month of August, we are going to take the month of July to work on that. We need to improve the conditions (of Días de Ensueño) since today people’s needs regarding the program changed a little,” Nazareno explained.

Credit acceleration

On the other hand, regarding other issues related to the competitiveness of the local economy, the minister stated that “the president of the BNA has communicated that in a board meeting they decided to decentralize the powers to grant loans that the Bank gives to the zonal managers. in each province, which would speed up the taking of credits from the private sector. This is a recurring issue that has been raised by the business sector of the province and that we believe would be on the way to being resolved.”


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