1,800 teachers and 300 billion pesos for Cauca – PC

1,800 teachers and 300 billion pesos for Cauca

1,800 teachers and 300 billion pesos for Cauca

By: Felipe Solarte Nates and Leidy Capote López

As part of the Cauca Mission that implements emergency policies to overcome the acute crisis that the department is experiencing in all sectors, the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara, accompanied by the rector of the University of Cauca, Deibar René Hurtado, the Departmental Secretary of Education, Sister Inés Larrahondo, the Secretary of Education of Popayán, Felipe Acosta and Luis Fernando Correa, director of the School Food Administrative Unit, announced programs and investments for educational centers.

The minister expressed that she came to offer concrete proposals to resolve problems such as the frequent road blockages by communities in the municipalities demanding the appointment of teachers, administrative staff, greater coverage and quality of school feeding, arrangement of educational facilities, construction of new ones, internet connections, greater access to higher education thanks to free tuition, among other points.

He emphasized that although the government will have cut expenses by more than 20 billion pesosthe budget for education will not be affected and in this sense both the national government and the departments and municipalities must join forces, which must add resources to co-finance projects and programs.

“We are having this conversation in an emblematic year for this sector and it is essential that we make decisions soon, because as the macroeconomic dynamics change, it is possible that the coming years will not have the support that 2024 does have”indicated the minister.

For his part, the Secretary of Education of Popayán, stated that one of the commitments that the Ministry of Education acquired at the beginning of the year was to increase the PAE coverage at 85% that would be benefiting around 10,000 children.

1,800 teachers and 300 billion pesos for Cauca
1,800 teachers and 300 billion pesos for Cauca

“We have to favor the rural area that is quite affected so that they can build classrooms, since they are around 57 public offices who need it, We also need to build two new mega-schoolsfor one the previous studies have already been done, of these one will be for the commune four and the other for the commune twomentioned the Secretary of Education of Popayan.

On the other hand, the rector of Unicauca, Deibar René Hurtadoreported on the programs to expand presence in the subregions of the department, the strengthening of the leveling program for students who come from municipalities with precarious training bases, the implementation of free tuition, the expansion of university residences and the subsidy for that low-income students from the Pacific Coast and other subregions.

Likewise, he highlighted that at the headquarters for the northern Cauca They will open the higher nursing program and continue with the adaptation of the headquarters. For Guapi, the lot will be purchased for the construction of the headquarters.

In this way, Aurora Vergara highlighted that they are more than 800 thousand people in Colombia that currently have the benefits of the free educational policy, also indicated that, just as it increased the resources of the universities, the National Government increased the 20% on transfers to educational funds of the schools, which means that the principals today have additional 20% to make decisions directly in their respective educational establishment for the improvement of infrastructure.

According to the school dropoutthe minister said that decreased 1% in ColombiaIn this sense, he pointed out that the commitment of this government is to guarantee in all dispersed rural areas, where the requests of students and teachers have been found, to improve infrastructure. With respect to department of Cauca indicated that progress is being made with the established resources that exceed the 300 billion pesosFurthermore, he indicated that More than 1,800 teachers will join the official plant in Cauca.

1,800 teachers and 300 billion pesos for Cauca
1,800 teachers and 300 billion pesos for Cauca

Regarding the Program School Feeding, It was learned that the nation’s contributions increased by more than half, compared to the previous government, a budget with which it seeks to guarantee access, permanence and well-being of students in the educational system.

Finally, during his stay in the city of Popayanthe Minister of Education reaffirmed her commitment to complying with three important issues, within the next three weeks; guarantee that the teaching staff is adequately incorporated, children and youth with better opportunities strengthening comprehensive training, educational infrastructure and school feeding, and the allocation of more resources in the education system, both at university campuses and in schools.

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