Core Ximena Castillo and official trip to China: “We seek to internationalize the region”

Ximena Castillo traveled to China with the governor of Los Ríos, Luis Cuvertino, and her colleague counselor Sarita Jaramillo. The counselor evaluated the opportunities for the region’s link with the Asian power.

The governor of the Los Ríos Region, Chile, Luis Cuvertino, together with the regional councilors Ximena Castillo and Sarita Jaramillo, made an official visit to Shanghai from May 29 to 31, 2024.

The regional delegation visited the SIAL Expo, one of the largest food fairs in the world, in addition to developing a complete program of activities.

Counselor Ximena Castillo provided an evaluation of the trip, a little less than a month after its completion.

What general impressions do you have about your visit to China as part of the Regional Council?

The official mission that we carried out to the People’s Republic of China was extremely beneficial and is part of the internationalization plan of the Region that both the Government and the Regional Council are promoting. Having the presence of the Regional Governor was very important, along with representatives of the Productive Development Corporation, since we were the only stand with the presence of authorities, reaffirming the public/private alliance in the support of our companies in one of the most important fairs. important in the world. Furthermore, a fundamental part of the agenda developed was to strengthen the cooperation agreement with the Province of Yunnan, which is now in its 12th year. This agreement is an important pillar of our international relations, and strengthening it is essential to establish lasting trust between both regions. Trust is the foundation of any fruitful relationship, and it is built through mutual knowledge and continuous cooperation.

The SIAL Expo in Shanghai is one of the largest and most prestigious events in the world in the food sector. What did you think of having participated in its 2024 edition?

In its 2024 edition, more than 4,500 exhibitors from 70 countries participated and attracted more than 150,000 professional visitors. This event allowed us to show the quality and diversity of our region’s products and open new market opportunities for our companies, strengthening their presence on the international stage. Companies from our region, such as Colun, Apicoop, Cran Chile and Cervecería Kunstmann, had the opportunity to exhibit their products and establish valuable business contacts.

There were several days of intense work and constant meetings on the official agenda in China. What topics were addressed and key in these conversations?

During our meetings, we were able to address key topics such as education, trade and agriculture. These areas are fundamental to the sustainable development of our region, and the exchange of experiences and knowledge with Yunnan provides us with an invaluable opportunity to implement successful practices and adapt them to our local needs. For example, in education, we discussed the possibility of academic exchanges and joint research projects, which could greatly enrich our educational institutions. In trade, we explore ways to expand markets for our products and attract investment that boosts our local economy. In agriculture, we analyzed the possibility of importing machinery and fertilizers at reduced prices, which would especially benefit our peasant family agriculture. Each of these aspects has the potential to generate a positive and lasting impact in the Los Ríos Region. I am convinced that this Official Mission will mark a before and after in the relationship between the Los Ríos Region and the Yunnan Province, and I look forward with enthusiasm to seeing the fruits of these initiatives in the near future.

What aspects would you highlight from the meetings held in Shanghai, especially in terms of cultural and educational exchange?

During our stay in Shanghai, we also had a very productive meeting with the Deputy Secretary-General of Shanghai Municipality, Mr. Zhang Xiong. One of the highlights of our conversations was the cultural and educational exchange. We understand that to build lasting and effective relationships, it is essential to promote mutual knowledge and understanding. We proposed initiatives that include academic and cultural exchange programs, the creation of scholarships for students and professionals, and joint research projects in areas of common interest such as sustainability, agricultural technology and climate change. This approach will not only enrich our educational institutions, but will also foster greater understanding between our communities.

What would you highlight about your visit to Yunnan and Dali Province?

During our official mission to Yunnan Province, we had the opportunity to participate in various cultural activities that allowed us to immerse ourselves in the local traditions of Yunnan and Dali. We visit traditional markets, attend cultural events and participate in meetings with community leaders and local representatives. These experiences gave us a unique perspective on the daily life and cultural values ​​of the region, which is essential for building long-term relationships of trust and cooperation. Last year, our guest of honor at the Second International Meeting was the Confucius Institute, a participation that was a gift from the Chinese Embassy in Chile, a key partner of our region. This collaboration highlighted the importance of culture as a bridge to strengthen the ties between our communities.

What opportunities do you think are opening up for the region as a result of this visit to China?

This official mission significantly strengthens the cooperation agreement with Yunnan Province, based on the mutual trust that has been built over the years. Last year, we received a delegation from Yunnan in our region, and now, our visit further strengthens this relationship, marking the beginning of an important stage of cooperation and growth in education, agriculture and trade. One of the most notable aspects of this mission has been the possibility of opening new markets for our companies. Our official mission to China is a clear example of how diplomacy can open new doors and create significant opportunities for regional development. By strengthening our ties with Yunnan Province and other Chinese entities, we are building a framework of cooperation that can benefit our region in multiple aspects, from the economy to education and culture.

Valdiviana, general accountant and the youngest of six siblings. Here the balance and challenges of it as a regional authority

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