What happens if I eat white bread every day and why whole wheat is healthier

What happens if I eat white bread every day and why whole wheat is healthier
What happens if I eat white bread every day and why whole wheat is healthier


There are various myths about the health effects that consuming bread can produce, since if its intake is not regulated can cause overweight and illness related to metabolism, according to Better with health.

It doesn’t usually have good reviews due to its high sodium content, its glycemic index, its low nutritional amount and its gluten contentbut you can take certain steps to eat it without leaving it aside completely.

There are certain measures to eat without leaving it aside completely (Photo Pexels)

Nutritionist Aitor Sánchez explained in The vanguard that portions of bread They must be consistent with physical activities that you make, since it usually contains 261 calorieswhich is not healthy if you lead a sedentary life.

One of the healthiest options it’s the bread whole grain, which is produced from whole grainswhich allows carbohydrates to be digested more slowly, this allows the body to use its nutrients for a longer time, according to the BBC.

Besides, contains a greater amount of fiber, vitamin B, calcium and iron than white bread, which reduces the impact that this food can have on the blood and is beneficial for those who must use insulin in their daily routine, according to what nutritionist Natalie Mokari explained to CNN.

The white plan is made with refined flour (Photo Pexels)

Another option are those who They are made from sourdough or have a slow fermentationyeast bacteria can help improve your digestioncontains lactic acid, its gluten content is lower and contains vitamins B1 to B6, B12, folate, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium, according to ‘ABC’.

Also, you can try rye or spelled bread, since it has a greater amount of soluble fiber, which makes digestion easier for your body. “If instead of just wheat, we prioritize breads that are rye or spelled, they will have greater nutritional value, although they often have a skyrocketing price”noted Aitor Sánchez in La Vanguardia.

Each one of these types of bread offers you different benefits that can be used depending on what your goals are. However, before changing anything in your diet it is recommended that you consult with a nutrition expert.

To understand the differences, whole bread It is made with wheat that has all the components of the grain: the bran, the germ and the endosperm. According to food sites, this keeps your vitamins, minerals and fiber.

By contrast, white plan is made from refined flour. Stacey Pence, a registered dietitian at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, explains that the manufacturing process focuses on removing the bran and germ.

Whole wheat bread is made with wheat that has all the components of the grain: the bran, the germ and the endosperm (Photo Pexels)

In fact, by doing this “only the starchy endosperm is left, which has a low nutritional value,” he explains. Plus, each one has a different calorie level. According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), White bread has 277 kilocalories and whole wheat bread has about 260 kilocalories.

By Leidy Estefania Rico Arboleda

El Universal (Mexico)

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