The smells you should avoid in your home if you don’t want snakes to visit you

The smells you should avoid in your home if you don’t want snakes to visit you
The smells you should avoid in your home if you don’t want snakes to visit you


Snakes, although they generally avoid human contact, may occasionally find shelter in homes. For this reason, experts have shared Recommendations to keep these animals away from homesfocusing particularly on eliminating certain odors that are especially attractive to them.

According to the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife, United States, Snakes play a crucial role in the ecosystem and therefore should not be eliminatedeven if they are poisonous.

Experts share recommendations to keep snakes away from homes PHOTO: YararáArchive

In situations where a snake is found, It is essential to identify its location and move away slowly to prevent the animal from feeling threatened., since snakes tend to attack when they feel in danger. Avoiding sudden movements is key in these situations.

These reptiles depend on their keen sense of smell, among other senses, to hunt and detect prey. A study from the University of Panama titled ‘Mycobiota isolated from snakes in quarantine at the Center for Research and Response in Ophidiology of the University of Panama’ explains how snakes use their senses to track their prey.

Likewise, the book ‘Snakes of the Southeast’ details some of the aromas that are most attractive to these animals:

Snakes can detect the scent of potential prey such as rodents, birds, amphibians and other small animals.

In addition, the El Mañana portal mentions that pheromones, chemical substances secreted by individuals of the same species to attract others, also play a role in attracting snakes. “The more reptiles you have in your garden, the greater the risk of attracting more,” they state in a note.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department warns that snakes typically inhabit suburban and urban residential areasso it is common to find them in the patios of houses.

To avoid their presence, it is recommended to eliminate any possible refuge or hiding place. “Removing piles of rocks, bushes and areas of tall grass will make the vipers look for a more suitable habitat,” they advise on their website.

“Store wood and other debris around the house, at least 45 centimeters off the ground,” the Department suggests. Also emphasize the importance of controlling the proliferation of insects and rodents to discourage snakes from approaching homes.

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