WHO describes health and humanitarian situation in Gaza as critical – Periódico Invasor

WHO describes health and humanitarian situation in Gaza as critical – Periódico Invasor
WHO describes health and humanitarian situation in Gaza as critical – Periódico Invasor

The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus, described as critical the health and humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, which he considered a dead zone, with much of the territory destroyed.

For the head of the WHO, the sanitary and humanitarian conditions in that territory are inhumane and continue to deteriorate.

These were the words of the head of the UN health agency, because despite international criticism, Israel continues with its offensive in the area.

“More than 29,000 people have died. Many remain missing, presumed dead, and many more are injured. Cases of malnutrition, serious and severe, have increased drastically since the war began,” said Ghebreysus.

The WHO also warned that the scorching heat in the Gaza Strip could exacerbate the health problems of displaced Palestinians, while the World Food Program warned that a huge public health crisis is looming in Gaza due to a lack of clean water. food and medical supplies.

We have seen massive displacements in recent weeks and months and we know that the heat can lead to an increase in diseases, said WHO representative for Gaza and the West Bank, Richard Peeperkorn.

“We have contaminated water and we will have much more food spoilage due to high temperatures. We will have mosquitoes and flies, and also dehydration,” she warned.

Peeperkorn commented that in Gaza, due to poor water and sanitation conditions, the number of cases of diarrhea was 25 times higher than usual, a health deterioration that is linked to diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery and hepatitis. TO.

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