Pride Month! Famous Venezuelans who you didn’t know are part of the LGTBIQ+ community

Pride Month! Famous Venezuelans who you didn’t know are part of the LGTBIQ+ community
Pride Month! Famous Venezuelans who you didn’t know are part of the LGTBIQ+ community

The month of June is the time of year to claim the rights of the LGTBIQ+ community, a social group that year after year has fought against discrimination. There are many who prefer to hide their sexual orientation or gender identity so as not to be singled out in society.

Despite the little progress in terms of equality in Venezuela, some Venezuelan celebrities and famous people are part of the gay communityhis sexual preference has not been a limitation in finding his way within the Venezuelan training industry


Alejandra Ghersi, known as Arca, is a transgender woman who has left the name of Venezuela at the top of the podium. His first steps in music were made under the pseudonym “Nuuro”, releasing two musical albums such as “All Clear” and “The Reddest Ruby”. It was not until 2013 that “Mother”, as her most loyal fans call her, took a leap that would lead her to internationalization.

Recognized for her foray into electronic, noise and experimental music, she has made her way to be a reference in these genres, with a futuristic sound and artistic concept, she managed to capture the attention of artists such as Madonna, Lady Gaga, Kenya West and Björk, with whom he collaborated.

The cross

La Cruz, conquered reggaeton with a risky proposal In an industry dominated by heterosexual men, for Alfonso La Cruz, as is his first name, it was unimaginable to make urban music by tasting other men, however, his perseverance in achieving his dream did not stop him. Currently, his song “Te Conocí Bailando” has more than 5 million views on Spotify.

Despite starting his career in Venezuela, he gained global recognition in Spain, where he rose to fame.

“In Venezuela I made music for girls, it was what I saw as normal for me at that time”commented La Cruz for the media El Confidencial.

Marianela González

Acting also has its own thing with Marianela González, known affectionately by her followers as “Nela”, is a Venezuelan actress and model who conquered the world of drama with her characters such as: Pandora Villanueva, in the remembered RCT soap opera, “Mi Gorda Bella”, María Gracia Borosfky in “Estrambótica Anastasia” and her leading role in “Por Todo lo Alto”, where she plays a young woman who is committed to her dream of being a pilot.

Nela’s acting career did not end there, after establishing her name in Venezuelan soap operas, the 44-year-old actress reached internationalization when she decided to embark on her career beyond our borders in the neighboring country, Colombia.

Her arrival in the New Granada country brought many opportunities to the actress and several participations in Colombian soap operas and she even found love. Marianela González made public her relationship with the writer Amalia Andradea multi-year romance that ended in 2023.

Marianela González / Courtesy

The Divaza

The influencer Pedro Luis Joa Figueira, known on social networks as La Divaza, is one of the most important content creators in Venezuela.

La Divaza is openly Gay and has raised her voice in favor of LGBTIQ+ rights On different occasions, his extravagant personality has earned him the reputation of being upfront with many social issues that are considered taboo today.

Currently, Pedro resides in Mexico, a place where his fame has grown in an unprecedented way. However, he began as an influencer in a small community in the city of Maracay as a YouTuber. His YouTube channel has more than 10 million subscribers.

Nacarid Portal

The acclaimed Venezuelan writer and journalist, Nacarid Portal, is a celebrity in literatureknown for her books published in the main bookstores in Latin America, the United States and Spain, has gained recognition for works such as: “El Capricho de Amarte”, “Mil Razones para Quedarme” and “Amor a Cuatro Estaciones”, are some Of his works.

Portal is happily married to Yottlin Arias, a relationship they have had for several years and as a result of this union, Alana and Liam, the couple’s children, were born.

Nacarid Portal with his family / Courtesy

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