They warn of the risks of a prolonged keto diet leading to aging of kidney and heart cells

They warn of the risks of a prolonged keto diet leading to aging of kidney and heart cells
They warn of the risks of a prolonged keto diet leading to aging of kidney and heart cells

02:17 PM

Have you ever heard of ketogenic or Keto diet, What consists of using the body’s fat reserves to use them as a source of energy and cognitive performance? In this style of eating about which there are divided opinions, people reduce sugar consumption to make metabolic changes with fatty acids.

The doctor and nutritionist Núria Monfulleda, from the Loveyourself center in Barcelona, ​​explained that a Keto diet It is totally different from calls Low Carbsince in the latter the body does not enter ketosis.

A Keto diet consists of consuming 5% carbohydrates, 35% protein and 60% fat daily.. In so-called low carb diets, however, the percentage of carbohydrates, despite being limited, is higher, and can reach 20% of the total. “They are much more bearable,” said the doctor.

In addition, it is recommended to follow the Keto diet alone “on specific occasions, for a maximum of 14 days and always in a manner scheduled by a professional” if the person expects changes in their body.

They say that the first symptom to appear when metabolic changes occur when undergoing a ketogenic diet is “the Keto flu”bringing signs similar to those of a common flu: muscle pain, chills, insomnia, or difficulty concentrating.

A recent study from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio) and published by the journal Science Advance, indicated that a keto diet constant or prolonged can age kidney and heart cells.

“To put this into perspective, 13 million Americans follow a ketogenic diet and we say you need to take breaks from this diet or there could be long-term consequences,” said David Gius, MD, PhD, assistant dean for research.

To carry out this experiment, the scientists fed several mice with more than one 90% fat and less than 1% carbohydrateswhile another group was fed a diet balanced (17% fat and 58% carbohydrates).

After a while, They noticed that the mice that were on the ketogenic or Keto dietthey had a bunch of senescent cells (stress and damage occurred in a cell) spreading to the kidneys and heart.

Although the study has not been carried out on humans: “We are not saying that the diet is bad”experts suggest taking breaks in this type of diet to avoid possible damage to the body in the future.

With information from Colprensa*

Keep reading: How to eat healthier and balanced? Learn what an ideal dish should have

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